I hardly ever post!

May 04, 2008 20:39

So it's not so surprising that when I do post, I have a lot to talk about. So instead of boring you all to tears, I'm just going to write little point form things. And if I didn't list something, it's either eating away at me more than I'm willing to admit, or I'm hiding it from inquisitive eyes! =o =o =o Whee.

- Discovery Channel shows irritate me. (Yeeaah.. they just do. Wanted to get out the negatives early.)
- I'm really beaten up. I had a (minor) motorcycle accident, and had muncher666 powerbombed onto my back (If you don't know what that means, look it up, it's a wrestling move) - and as such, not only am I covered in bruises, but it hurts to raise my right shoulder. Hell, use my right arm, really. It's better than it was yesterday, already - it's not getting worse - so there's not going to be much I can actually do about it, unfortunately.
- My life feels it's in shambles, even though this time last year, I was actually way worse off, in a strange fashion.
- I'm getting up way way way way way way way way too early on weekdays.

Now that those negatives are out there (unfortunately, all of those are the more recent, so I'm kinda posting this with a somewhat angry twinge, but.. ah well.)

- I gots me a job! I'm a postie. The pay is terrible. Really, really quite terrible. I'm only a junior trainee though, so that's to be expected. Seem to be getting better at the job, little by little. Wondering if I can get into work tomorrow, due to the sore shoulder and all.
- I had a birthday last month! I'm 20. I'm like.. old, and such. Ah well.
- I picked up a copy of Bioshock, and an MP3 player, in reaction to this. Bioshock is surprisingly short. Just to warn anyone who might be thinking this.

I'm trying to come up with other things to talk about, and I do want to talk to an open forum, and all - but all I can come up with, unfortunately, is "Damn. My shoulder hurts." So I'll just leave it there. If I've been ignoring you - it's my time scheme at the moment, nothing personal, honest! (It's 8:50 PM, and I'm going to bed within the next 20 minutes. And I'm not even getting 8 hours sleep off of this.)

Hope ye're all well.
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