"The blood of Isis, the spells of Isis,
the magical words of Isis
shall keep this great (or shining) one strong,
and shall protect him
from whosoever would harm him/
do to him such things as he abominateth."
-a spell in the Papyrus of Ani
This is an Egyptian heiroglyphic symbolizing a feminine variation of an ankh. It is also called "The Knot of Isis" "The Buckle of Isis" and "The Blood of Isis." It represents the same meaning as Sun Tzu's symbol in the "Art of War" except it isn't Chinese. It means life, welfare, well being, and the unity of opposing forces in life.
This is also Isis' sacred symbol and she is regarded as the divine goddess and the sacred feminine (like in the da Vinci Code book). She is the personification of nature as a powerful and nurturing woman.
The prime magical charm of Isis is the tyet. The ancient Egyptians made amulets of tyets, usually in red, and placed them over pharoahs and mummies so that Isis would welcome them in the after life. The amulet is said by some to represent the tie on her girdle, but others say that it symbolizes the cloth she used for menstrual flow, and represents the magical power of menstrual blood. LOL
This is the spell that was used to empower the amulet: "The blood of Isis, and the strength of Isis, and the Words of Power of Isis shall be mighty to act as powers and protect me. They shall prevent wrong from being done to me." The tyet can be worn or carried for protection, to avert the evil eye, to guard yourself eternally against every kind of evil, or to enable you to move freely in the afterlife.
Anyway, Mo & I had gotten it together on this birthday month. We wanted to get it before May for certain reasons I will mention in a future entry. I think we made a good decision because it has alot to do with us if you knew us well enough. We're both so different yet so alike in many aspects.
Aries God of War. Art of War. Isis female goddess of nurture and nature. Feministic. a darker side.. yea. good stuff.
We got it in VENETIAN BROWN ink. It has a reddish tone to it and I mentioned earlier that the tyet amulet is usually red. Anyway, this was just coincidental. I actually wanted the ink to look like a sort of Henna or umm Leelo's tattoo in The 5th Element. Hers looked like the birthmark that symbolized her as the 5th element. So yeaa.. I wanted ours to look this way too and look a little ancient. Besides, black ink is kinda boring and our symbol is already simple enough.
i've been getting different opinions on what people think it is, so id like to know what u guys see.. lol its a heiroglyphic though not a tribal!