massive life-change update

Jun 22, 2006 12:25

No, i aint pregnate.
I am leaving tomorrow, early as fuck for Cozumel w/my mom. Just me and my momma. We will get there about 9am, and then can get in the water probably by 10 or 11. That is going to be awesome. I have never seen water like that in real life. Mom and dad used to go a lot to scuba, so this is fucking special. I wish Dylan were going. She wanted to take both of us, but he didn't want her giving us $ for fixing our house and then send both of us to mexico. I should agree, but i know that my mom never has $ and has this all of a sudden from some family land, and wants to share it. She can still pay off her house (thank the gods) and do these things, that is awesome and i will play along. I need to start to pack. For this trip and Austin. I get back from Mexico on Monday at about 2pm and then turn around and leave for Austin, as my new team has a team build at a spa. (the crossings at austin) I am totally fucking stoked about that too. I go to relaxing mexico and then come back and be relaxed some more, then work 2 days thurs and frid then it's a weekend again. Dylan is going to come visit me, instead of me coming home my first weekend. That is a relief, as i won't want to drive back here that soon. I will come home the weekend after, WHEN there will finally be a open house of our home. (7/9) That rox, and maybe it will sell! I don't want to live long w/out dylan. And Jazz!
I am excited about starting my new job, but really i need to get off the damn internet and pack for 3 weeks worth of living AND a vacation.
hasta, and i will get back on once i am w/my laptop from work...
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