Jul 09, 2005 22:41
Dylan and I went to dinner and a movie last night. We came home at 1:30 am. He went outside to let ginger in and put her collar BACK on her.(as we had her groomed the other day, and we still hadn't put it back on her!) Since it was late I assumed she had come back in the house and gone to bed, and then I realized Dylan was out front, so I THOUGHT they were walking (as she gets late night walks so he can smoke and such). I was on the phone w/Cody just shooting the breeze giving him my opinion on Buttman. (I thought there were some holes, and some LAMENESS but the hallucinogenic stuff was pretty fucking cool) After I hung up from Cody, Dylan asks, "have you seen ginger?" I think this is strange considering she is asleep somewhere in the house after their walk, and him putting her collar back on.
I look all over the house for her, as does Dylan. then I go outside looking for her. That is when he tells me she is missing. When he went outside she wasn't out there, which REALLY isn't out of the ordinary as of late cus our fence is jacked up. BUT Dylan had just fixed some stuff, in a rigging-way, and had barricaded the gate so she couldn't get out. (used heavy stuff!) The barricade was gone and all moved, but like it had been placed. We have had a couple of other strange things that seemed like someone was TRYING to rob us, so he was thinking someone entered the gate and then ginger took off. (unless they stole her) he had been not walking her but going out looking for her, thinking she'd walk up out of hiding as she always does, and then I'd never have known the difference. well I start freaking out cus its late, its already been a while, and she never is gone more then a couple of hours, and its usually about 5 min, once she hears you calling her name. I tried to go to sleep close to 4, knowing I had to get up at 8 for a 9am shift. Dylan promises to keep looking for her all night long. I wake up at 6 something, and he is passed out on the couch, no dog anywhere, and the front door open in case she had come while he was asleep. This is when I preceded to start losing it. she is gone.
I want him to wake up and go talk to this one neighbor that sees EVERYTHING, but Dylan is not about to go wake some ppl up at the butt-crack of dawn. He goes back to sleep and I get dressed to go find her. then I call carol to get frans # since there would be no way to call anyone at the store because of how early it was, AND to let her know what was going on. She seemed to understand since I was crying and crying and crying, and had only had barely 2 hrs of sleep. Dylan got up and went to bed, which is good cus at least one of us needed to go to work, AND he had night patrol duty, so I kept looking for her. I called the store and let ken know what was up before 8am, and he could tell that I was both hysterical, AND sleep deprived. (I still am)
so now its 11pm and she has almost been gone for 24 hrs, and I am freaking out. (thanks to someone for the xanax cus at least I feel a little calmer) my mom came over round 12 and helped w/her basset hound combing the hood until 5ish. she left and commanded I sleep. I did attempt after another look around, and so much crying (almost as much as watching dad die, in fact I have not had a broken heart since then and that was 3 years ago on this past wed.)later to find her, then went to bed. (mom and I had flyers made w/recent color pix of ginger on them--=but many more need to be put up tomorrow!) carol called to emergency vets giving them info in case she was hit by someone or is dying of heat exhaustion and someone is nice enough to take her in. once I was good and asleep a little after 7, carol comes over. I JUMP out of bed cus the knock was so loud, and I thought maybe someone was bringing her back to me. carol came in changed clothes and shoes, and took off w/a huge flyer to go door to door (as I had done that w/flyers on just my street earlier in the day) on the street in front of mine. even kids were called to the doors by their parents to see the pic. most of them know who she is cus of Dylan walking her AND cus she is like Houdini and gets out. (hence the barricade...)
so I feel like my heart is gone, and I'd like to die. going to work tomorrow and not be able to think of ANYthing other then this, will be hard.
for those of you I work with, now you know, and this was considered sick, due to not sleeping, but honestly I was willing to be a buddy w/no sleep, but I couldn't go to work knowing I should be combing the ghetto for my 4legged daughter.
I told Dylan if we don't find her, we aren't having kids. I feel like the shittiest pet owner in the world.
and on my flyers I did offer a reward, but the person unless they are cool will only get my foot up their ass.
for being fucking dog thieves.
yay for one of the shittiest days I've had in 3 years.