International Labour Day

May 01, 2007 13:26

The Clerkenwell Road outside our offices has been closed off because of a labour demonstrations. From what I could see, the syndicalists were the largest single contingent, which reminds me of Kate Fox's observation of the most well-organised meeting she'd ever been to -- an anarchists meeting.

There were also small contingents from various countries, Iran, Kurdistan and Cuba were countries I could see and identify. Just behind the syndicalists, with their beautiful black-and-red flags, was the Communication Workers Union.

People in the office are bemused. Demonstrating on 1 May is not a British tradition. It would have been hard to establish too, as the day is only a holiday if it's also the first Monday in May. This year the Bank Holiday, and our May Day celebrations, will take place on May 7.

holiday, politics

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