(no subject)

Aug 29, 2006 23:05

This morning I overslept so I got off to a rather disorganised start. But I was only a few minutes late to meet Linus outside his office in Mjärdevi. We went to the restaurant at the new skating rink, Cloetta Center, at the north-eastern edge of town.

The food was not bad but the conversation was the main attraction as far as I was concerned. We talked about all kinds of things, his work on UML, Roombas, plans for the future, the Öresunds Bridge and so on.

It was wonderful to catch up with Linus after all these years. Last time we met was in 2001, I think, when I was still working at Organic. He was consulting in Boreham, north of London, then. Now he's back to working in Linköping, our old university town.

After lunch we drove back to Mjärdevi to have an ice cream and talk some more. Before we knew it, it was nearly 3 pm, and time for me to head to Hans' office, a km down the road. I left Linus feeling, again, that reconnecting face to face with old friends was definitely the right choice of holiday.

people, sweden

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