Yep, Here I Am

Jan 25, 2006 22:13

Today has been a busy day. I've worked from home and got everything done that I had planned. That's always a nice feeling. The poll about web forms that I put up was part of that. Interesting spread of responses.

After I was done with work, I did stuff for myself. The list of ticked checkboxes in my GTD software is impressive. That's the beauty of working from home. When I get off from work, I still have the time and energy to "work" for myself a bit.

So I sat in that phone queue. When I finally got to talk to a person, he couldn't find my account. He was going to initiate an investigation but he wasn't hopeful. It's not a lot of money, so if it hadn't been for the tax issue, I would never have put this much time and energy into it. Afterwards I wrote my accountant and told him that unless he thinks its essential that I hunt down the tax papers for the paltry sum of USD 200, I'm not going to waste more time on it. I'd also like to stop feeding BT... In the email I also sent him the only other outstanding info, so I hope I'm done now. I'll just have to wait for the verdict. That's a pretty uncomfortable situation. There's a lot at stake.

I finished my day with watching the final Firefly episode. It was a bit anticlimactic, I thought. It was rather stop-and-go. Like that scene between Kaylee and Simon. That's how the whole episode felt. Still, it's a disappointment that there won't be any more episodes. It could have been another Babylon 5.

Tomorrow's the big four-oh, so I'd better get my beauty sleep. :-)

money, tv, work

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