Information Architecture Definition

Jan 03, 2006 16:23

The Polar Bear Book has the following definition of information architecture on page 4:
  1. The combination of organization, labeling, and navigation schemes within an information system.
  2. The structural design of an information space to facilitate task completion and intuitive access to content.
  3. The art and science of structuring and classifying web sites and intranets to help people find and manage information.
  4. An emerging discipline and community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape.

Preceding this definition is this paragraph: However, as designers of web sites, we should not become trapped by the metaphor of building architecture. Throughout this book, we'll also talk about information ecologies, knowledge economies, digital libraries, and virtual communities. We learn what we can from each analogy, and we leave the baggage behind.


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