Random Saturday Thoughts

Dec 24, 2005 10:29

In a few minutes I'm going for my massage. Fluffy is in the bedroom, hiding under the bed and refusing to come out. I guess she'll have to stay. I'm a bit worried that her human may be going away for the holidays and is frantically looking for her.

There were some things I wanted to do after the massage but I'll have to come home and see if I can retrieve the cat first. Tire pressure and petrol are at the top of my list. I also need some mouth wash and some other random stuff. Sainsburys are open till 18, so that shouldn't be a problem. I wonder if it will be a total zoo there.

When I looked out, I saw that Thompson & Morgan have sent me a video. Not sure if I'll find the time to watch it. Anybody know what their videos are usually like? Watchable?

Yesterday at HMV I got The Cat Returns. It's the first anime I own. I was going to watch that one tonight, instead of watching Kalle Anka and Carl Bertil Johnsons Julafton. I wonder if CBJJ is out on DVD. It would definitely be worth owning. Tage Danielson rules ruled.

Oh, and on puneets' suggestion, I switched to Thunderbird. I've got some problems with it related to how it imported my emails but I think they're solvable. It's all good.

Better be going now.

films, fluffy

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