fly me to the moon

Aug 10, 2010 22:20


本来心情很不爽不过现在好多了!!! oops. weibo's influence. HAHAHAHA! darling ariel finally created weibo so i can now stalk her like crazy! :D oops. rephrase. I can now follow her latest updates via the chinese twitter! Yayee weibo rockkksss!!!

okay super tired after work today so i will just continue this post with pictures. dont even get me started about work (okay pls ask so i can rant abt it!!!) HAHAHAHA! All i can say is...interesting management, interesting rules, interesting practices. Pls note that i am using the word interesting very loosely here. -.-

below is largely a food post!

okay, i know i went overboard...but the shop was having buy 3 get 1 free promotions. Lol. Anyway they are mostly yoghurt so hooray for me! :D However i tut tut (plus blind) and went to buy white choco...which i dont like! ):

L-R (from top) white choco with skimmed milk+peach+passion fruit+yoghurt, milk choco with yoghurt, milk choco with vanilla+choco chip (i think supposed to taste like ice cream, hence the pic on the cover), choco with yoghurt and wild berries muacks muacks muacks! the last one is damn niiceeeeee. -slurps.

(what happened to let the pics do the talking? -.-)

during the weekend, my sister and i had time to spare so we decided to make pancakes!

pls ignore the bottom one.

with maple syrup

i wanted to make mini pancakes, like the jap red bean pancake style but my sister called me "giam" instead. -.- eh bite-sized pancakes are COOL okay! HAHAHAHA!

I was commenting on the colour of the pancakes. Initially, they got burnt very easily but it became better after a few tries! Our pancakes were very fact too fair, in my opinion. I like pancakes that look golden the pancakes on the box cover. 挑剔 & 欠扁!!! Haha but i will just eat whatever pancakes that come my way unless they are charred!!!

Family dinner at swee choon. Near my house! i like the location and the food! :D First time dining there but da-bao-ed many times though.

Some of the food that I managed to take pics of




the layered pancake with floss and egg is freaking yummy!


Havent listened to this song for ages. Recently heard it in a drama so i am listening to it again!

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby , kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, in other words
I love you

sch starts today for some people. The idea of school is pretty foreign to me now. give me 4 months and i forget about going back to sch. It is kind of sad that my current life will soon be vanishing and school will be replacing it. I really enjoyed myself this holiday!

on a happier note, happy birthday shi! feliz cumpleanos! sarang hae yo! :D
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