14 June 2012

Jun 14, 2012 00:32

You know how you are always looking forward to something and when that thing comes, you find yourself not wanting it that much?

I thought I would be really happy to end my internship, it now feels weird knowing that I will leave the place & not seeing the colleagues for a long period of time. ): I guess I develop a sense of belonging over time.

The internship didn't have a great start and I don't think how anyone is able to understand how I felt unless they have been through the same situation. Nonetheless, the situation improved and I am very thankful to my colleagues who have imparted their knowledge to me. No, I am not being diplomatic. Not to myself definitely.

Today my junior told me that she wouldnt have anyone to answer her questions at work when I am gone. Well, I understand her worries as I had been through that phase and I had no fellow interns to talk, let alone ask any questions. Hence, my first intern friend in the company was almost godsend to me. I don't think he knows the emotional support he has given me during my internship but I am glad to know this friend. :)

Thoughts on internship aside, I watched Madagascar with Hwee! :D it was a a great show!

One of the reasons why I always watch animation films is because their life lessons are always so simple and straightforward but those are often the things people forget. The shows also remind you that good always triumph over evil so people should always have moral conscience and learn to be kind. :)

2 more days and I am done with internship. This break is necessary for me to catch up on sleep, rejuvenate myself, release my angst and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Till then, good night! 잘자! ^^

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