when a butterfly flaps its wings, it creates a storm somewhere hundred miles away

Feb 18, 2012 14:10

This sentence probably sums up what I have been facing this week during work.

It has been sometime since I wrote an entry in livejournal. For a while, I returned to the good old conventional method of writing a diary to pen my thoughts but I guess I am truly a sloth, typing on a keyboard seems like a much easier option. I figure out that since not many people know of this lj existence and those who knew are friends so writing here seems fine!

This week has been such a bad week for me that I still shudder everytime I think about it. I hate being so careless at work. Whenever I made a careless mistake, I'll think "aiya how come I didnt notice this?" (lol, I am a true Singaporean). Sometimes it just dont occur to me that I have to consider certain aspects when I deal with something. It didnt help that my workplace is one of the busy places that has minimal tolerance towards mistakes (and they say other places are worse -.-)

Before I go to work every morning,I tell myself that I have to be more careful, to put in my best effort and complete the work assigned to me punctually. Well, I think I tried very hard at work everyday but somehow it is just...not enough?  I think it is a mental torture of trying to meet expectations and realising you are probably not meeting them?

Looking back at my previous job experiences, I count myself lucky to be able to meet colleagues who are so sincere, so patient, so encouraging and so helpful during my course of work. The best part is, I am still in contact with some of them and they are always there when I need them. :) On the contrary, this company is draining me. Sometimes I'll just wonder whatever happened to some people that causes them to be mean or tactless to someone they hardly know. May those (few) nice people whom I got to know remain nice forever and find happiness in their lives. 
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