WHY THERE IS NO GUESS SHOW TODAY!!!! It is my must-watch show every saturday night!!! -weeps pitifully-
Anyway, I learnt so many things! today It is a fruitful information session!!! :D
1. Starbucks chairs are awesome!
Look at them! I simply must compliment these chairs!
The width and the height of the chairs are so perfect that you feel no discomfort sitting on them. Even after 7 hours!!! -impressed- Best of all, they suit any, i repeat, any sitting style!!! You can sit cross legged, kiao ka, rest both legs on the table legs, nua left, right or centre and you wont get a backache! They are so comfy that you can hear yourself sighing with pleasure and dozing off in a few minutes time! In fact, I like them so much that I even took a picture of them!!! See how much I am in love with them. -stares fondly- Guess I havent sat on such relaxing chairs for a long time...considering that lecture seats and benches are not exactly the best seats around.
So anyone who wants to get new chairs for their home, I strongly recommend getting these chairs! Friendly for your butt and looks great, especially in outdoors/gardens! :D
2. i am addicted to toothpaste peppermint!
peppermint mocha yummsss! Am i the only one who thinks it tastes a bit like toothpaste? I like it!
3. Who says you wont shop during a mugging session?

Went for a starbucks mugging session. Emerged out of the coffee joint with peppermint mocha and 20 + poorer. Yes, i gave in (ashamed) and bought the tumbler! I even got myself the card!!! -beams-
4. I should eat nuts (peanut butter is acceptable), salmon skin (not the fried ones), ask for skimmed milk at starbucks, switch to collagen yakult (sorry to the original one...I promise I wont change to vitagen...if I can help it) and ignore the collagen rubbish on skincare products, as advised by the health guru and future-great-dietician-to-be ng sj! :D
Oh my she even explained to us how atkins diet works & how fats are burnt!!! -admiring glance- We have already made a pact to go jogging after holiday again! I will succeed this time round!!!
5. I want to marry my female friends!!!
Because they are so knowledgeable, nice, have lots of direction sense & trustworthy!!! Unfortunately, this is not going to happen because of the similarities in our gender and we have normal orientation!
Btw I am very impressed with my smooth navigation from square 2 to mrt today! My friends are super impressed with me too! -smug- (considering I dont usually receive such compliments...)
DINNER! It is not so yummy! -__- It is not bad but not superbly yummy!
Potato pancake!!!! :)
dokky bokky! Korean spicy rice cake! Tastes like chee cheong fun. In a delicious way! I love this!!!
Cold spicy buckwheat noodles! Like vermicelli!
6. Sorry koi, I am moving over to gong cha. This may be a hard blow to you but it is time that you implement some queue and price control. The current queue situation is unbecoming!!! >:( You need to have some comparative advantage over your fellow competitors!!!
Of cos, I will not reject you if you are in front of me... :)
7. I really should be studying. Like right now.
Today, I hope that whenever someone asks me a question that I have learnt before, I will be able to answer it concisely and coherently. Just like miss ng today! :)