Title: Pooka501 Series I - Sacrificial Origins
Author: Amaranth Pearbuckle
Fandom: SS501
Genre: Dark
Pairing: No romantic pairings
Rating: R
Warning: dark sexual and violent imagery
Summary: The morning after isn't always hugs and puppies, but can lead to so much more.
Length: One-Shot
Author Notes: This is the beginning of a series. They will be separate stories in the same 'verse, but shouldn't require you read them in order. I'm responsible for anything you read on this page. The story is mine. SS501 belong to themselves. I haven't made any money off this.
Beta: Cate and Nirmani: the Beta Minions.
I woke up and hurt. I raised my hands to my face, surprised at how sore my arms were, to see why my eyes wouldn't open. My fingers brushed against crust over my lids. It seemed rather extreme for pink eye and ridiculously thin for a chrysalis.
I calmed myself until the thumping of my heart was the loudest noise I made. I heard no movement in the room, but did hear many muffled mutters, murmurs, snores and groans of the pained type near me. If I'd been kidnapped, either I'd put up a decent defense, or else these were other captives. I assumed innocence for now until further information came to light.
I patiently picked at the crust until my eyes were free to open without crumbs dropping inside. I also picked the smaller amount of crust partially obstructing my nose and mouth for better airflow. I'd been a little afraid the room would be dark and further confuse me. The bustling city right outside came through clearly and acted like a night light.
It was nice, though far pricier than I would've paid to use. The bed was round and huge … and very suspiciously lumpy. I connected the sounds from earlier to each lump and wondered if they'd wake soon. I hoped they were in as much pain as me.
I forced myself to slowly sit up, taking shallow breaths just deep enough to avoid hyperventilation. I could not believe how much I hurt. I realized the weight on my leg was another leg under the covers, so took the time to get out from under it, the covers and everything...
I knew certain things by the time I was sitting on the foot of the bed: I'd had bloody, violent, highly orgasmic sex with 4-5 men (since one of the lumps looked a little large to be just one person). I did not see any clothing, personal effects or other items associated with a stay in a hotel room. There was a deadbolt on the only exit from the room, with only a key access and no key in sight.
I knew I would probably die.
I was covered in a nasty, dried crust of semen, vomit, piss and blood. I had a stunning amount of damage done to my body. The pain was enough that I didn't even try not to vomit, but only dry heaved. If I did, somehow, survive, I would have scars everywhere from what looked like teeth, fingernails and a small blade. It was like somebody drew on me with a knife.
I was not naked.
One perk of having a magical talisman is that nobody else can see it. They hadn't been able to touch it since they don't have a blood pact with the Goddess of Changelings.
She watches over those swapped at birth with a human child, binding their souls together to ensure they could never hurt each other if they met later. She watches over the human and faery children equally, in the belief that such pairings are the most perfect of balances.
She also helps them out when they get into odd and crazy situations. The daily life stuff doesn't interest her much; but if you call her to a stampede of cows in the middle of a tsunami, it'll tickle her pink.
I carefully looked for a spot still leaking fresh blood. I scooped some on my fingers and wrapped them around the talisman, calling to her to come 'rescue the blood's owner'. That's how the chant was worded. It undid my entire world. I just didn't know it yet.
I felt her presence fill the room and the pain go away. She has rules to follow I don't understand so never know how much of a rescue it'll be. Most of my wounds healed perfectly; but she kept the blade marks intact as scars. She also left me covered in muck, which I thought was just bad taste.
I could hear thoughts in the back of my head (not my own). I couldn't hear my twin's thoughts over our bond, so was very worried about it. I couldn't make out the specifics of the thoughts, which is just the worst ever …. ugh. It's like trying to eavesdrop with somebody covering your ears.
I heard loud groans, a lot of creaking and various amounts of startlement, gagging and retching with a whole heap of cursing. The voices in the back of my head went nuts all of a sudden. I turned to see five males of Asian origin staring at me (well, parts of me) in shock. I don't mean my breasts, etc … though I definitely got a look-over more than once. They stared at the blade markings drawn across me.
I couldn't read the script, but they seemed upset by what they read. They began chattering at each other in an Asian language with no apparent intent to translate. The voices rose up, louder and louder, until I yelled at them to shut up. I prayed to my goddess, lacing it with an extra dose of faith worship to bribe a good mood.
I freaked at what shimmered into existence in front of me. I would call them strings, but that isn't accurate. Ropes really isn't a proper fit. Thick cables of spiritual energy sparkled in the air between those five males and me. They could see them too and tried to touch them. I became bored watching them attempt it and tried to understand why she'd done this to us. It was a stronger bond than I had with my twin.
I felt sudden pain and suffering zing across the link between my twin and me. My eyes widened as I realized the point of the cables and my role to play. I'd seen this ritual done once before and had no wish to be part of it. I struggled to get off the bed, unsurprised but frustrated to find I couldn't move. I screamed at the voices in my head, demanding to know what the hell was so special about them.
“I am sorry. I had no choice if I'm to keep them safe. The world can't lose them now.”
An Asian man stepped through the now unlocked door and stopped before me, wearing nothing but the items necessary for the ritual. His English was heavily accented, but understandable. I tried to reason with him.
“You don't have to do this at all. They look like great guys. We obviously had a rowdy time last night, just the way I like it. No hard feelings, really … just don't do this. This never goes well.”
He looked sickened, but determined. My hopes smashed to pieces inside. I was really about to lose everything I'd worked so hard to gain. Who the hell were these assholes to deserve my life? They were worth everything to him since he'd suffer for this too - permanently.
“I know you did not enjoy last night. I drugged them. Please don't blame them. I am so very, very sorry.”
The man stepped forward with a set of six aluminum heart charms. I couldn't move to get away. The males couldn't either since they cried out in alarm when he walked to each, cutting just enough to get more blood on the charms.
I knew now what he'd done before I'd summoned my goddess. He'd somehow had me swallow blood from each of them and made sure I was liberally covered in it. They would have similar blade markings to mine, though fewer and smaller. He didn't need to make sure mine could be hidden in normal daily life, while they would be able to cover theirs with tattoos, piercings, maybe even just makeup.
All of our blood had been mixed into all of the blade markings. I could see the small knife strapped to his thigh. It was in a Western-style leather holster engraved in runic etchings I could read. He didn't make it himself then. The price would've been high.
When he finished with them, he came back to me, chanting and half-dancing to reach the last level of the ritual. I wasn't surprised when he shoved each of the small charms down my throat, forcing me to swallow, pulled out the small knife and slashed my throat across the major vein. I was alive in that form just long enough to see him plunge the knife into each of his eyes and then into his mouth up into his brain.
You see … this ritual requires three sacrifices. The first is the petitioner who gives his soul to the deity of the second sacrifice in return for granting his request. The second is the Pooka changeling, (the animal-bloodkin faery), who will lock into the smallest version of their animal form (with very specific exceptions).
The third is their balance, the twin. The human twin doesn't survive the ritual in any form. They continue to their chosen afterlife or hang around as ghosts if undecided.
Pookas aren't necessarily immortal; but none have been known to die from natural causes. The beneficiaries of the Pooka's lifespan and other gifts are usually halfbreeds or even further diluted magical creatures.
These five creatures had been given gifts and had their lives changed beyond their knowledge by a sacrifice of pure love and my natural existence.
That was the night I stopped being me and became a spiritual guardian, enslaved forever as a familiar to SS501.