Oct 19, 2005 21:53
I feel like I have accomplished most of what I wanted to today. This is the first time in a long time that I have been able to say that I am caught up for the most part on homework. I typed up my reflection for my practicum today as well as looked up the ethical codes and typed up my paper for human services seminar. I also studied for my statistics exam on friday and read for history. I think I have actually covered all work for my classes except for the paper for civ and going over the music for chanteur but those will have to happen this weekend when I have a wrist brace and more time.
We had a meeting for APO tonight to discuss various problems people had within the fraternity. I think the meeting was very productive and went very well. Many people got a chance to voice their opinions and I think felt better for it. I know that I personally was able to discuss a couple of issues that had been bothering me for quite sometime and I felt like I got at least some resolution with them. At the very least no one can say that I haven't said anything and that they didn't know I felt that way because now they know and I feel better for telling the group collectively about my concerns with the fraternity.
On a personal note I can't wait for the weekend!! It's not that I've had a particularly bad week other than for the fact that my wrist/arm is driving me nuts with pain every time I sit down to type. It's so very random there are times I'll be sitting talking to someone (not on the computer) and it'll start hurting like crazy...just random sharp pains. Then there are times that I'll be typing a paper or reflection or something and it'll just start hurting and my fingers will go numb or pain will shoot up my arm. Very weird. Alrighty..on that note I'm gonna have to run off to finish studying statistics.