TITLE: Swallow My Pride
AUTHOR: Susan / apckrfan
DISTRIBUTION: My site, AO3, FFnet, LiveJournal.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters. They are owned by JK Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Brothers, etc. No profit is made from this fic.
SPOILERS: Through Sorcerer's Stone
SUMMARY: Hermione has something on her mind so visits Snape in his classroom before leaving Hogwarts
CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Hermione Granger, Severus Snape (no relationship at all!)
DATE STARTED: September 2022
STATUS: Complete
WORD COUNT: 1,000 +/-
FEEDBACK: Please, I can't write better without it.
NOTES: Just an idea that came to me.
https://apckrfansfic.livejournal.com/252694.html AO3:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41560113 FFnet:
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14133466/1/Swallow-My-pride website: