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Oct 22, 2004 14:11

Ch.6 notes
∑ Extra credit- power point presentation / flash cards of what going to say/around 15 minutes,
∑ Of something that we’re going to be doing and then teach the class
∑ Points depend on presentationan exergonic
∑ An exergonic proceeds with a net release of free energy and delta G is negative
∑ Chemical reactions can be classified as either exergonic or endergonic based on free energy
∑ Products more sabke than reactants=reactand more energy in double bonds
∑ G=delta h-tdeltas
∑ Spntanous=decrease in h( give up energy) or g increase s( give up order)
∑ Delta g negative
∑ Magniture of delta g for exergonic reaction is max. amount of work the reaction can perform
∑ Cellular respiration
o Gelta g= 686 kcal/mil
o 686 kcal available to do work in cell
o products have 686 kcal less eergy that reactants
- atp is storing delta g energy
endergonice reaction- one that absorbs free enrgy from surroundings
-stoes energy
-delta g positive
- example. Fructose and glucose combines from sucrose as a result ofpickingup free enrgy
reactions in a closed system eventuall reach equlibruim and can do no work
-cell that ahs reached equuilbirium is dead ( delta g =0)
-catabolic process= releases free energy n series of reaction, not single step
- some reversible reaction of respiration are constantly ”pulled” in one direction as product one reaction doesn’t accumulate, but becomes the reactant n next step
-cell does 3 main types of work
= mechanicalwork/ beating of cilia, contraction ofmuscles and movement of chrosmosomes
= transport wokrk/ pumping substances across membranes against direction of spontaneous movement
= chemical work/ driving endergonic reactions reaction siuch as the synthesis of polymers from momomersw
- immediate source of energy that powers cellular work in atp
atp made of adensosine triposphate
o mucleotide
o nitro base, sugar ribose, chain of 3 phosphate groups
- can become adp cuz looses phosphate group bonds is broken at oxygen to far right broken by hydrolysis
o hydrolisis at end phsphate group from adensosine diphsphate and relseases 7.3 kcal os energy per molecule of atp under standard condition
o cell delta g is about -13kcal/mol
- bonds between phosphate groups

Essay-Metablosim, Engery, and Life-Parameters of Enzyme function
-Changes in pH-etc(check website)-

Lab-include predicted results(hypothesis)-name specific enzyme in experiment (catalase)-able to identify substrate--

enzymes speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers
enzymes are substrate specific
the active site in an enzyme’s catalytic center
a cell’s physical and chemical environments affects enzyme activity

activation energy is the amount of energy necessary to push the reactions over an energy barrier

enzyme speed reactions by lowering EA
enzyme=s are made up of protein
different type of proteins=different type of enzymes

substrate is a reactant which binds to an enzyme
when a substrate or substrates binds to an enzyme, the enzyme catalyzes the conversion of the substrate to the product
-sucrase is an enzyme that binds to sucrose and breaks the disaccharide into fructose and glucose

active site of an enzymes is typically a pocket or groove on the surface of the protein into which the substrate fits
the specificity of an enzyme is due to the fit between the active site and that of the substrate
as the substrate binds, the enzyme changes shape leading to a tighter induced fit, bringing chemical groups in position to catalyze the reaction

essay-not required to identify every term you use, but you must use it in good context

in most cases substrates are held in the active site by weak interactions, such as hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds
o R groups of a few amino acids on the active site catalyze the conversion of substrate to product
∑ Substrate binds to enzyme
∑ Substrate is converted to products
∑ Products are released
∑ Active site is available for another molecule of substrate
- A single enzyme molecule can ctalyze thousands or more reactions a second
- Enzymes are unaffected by the reaction and are reusable
- Most metabolic enzymes can ctalyze a reaction in both the forward and reverse direction
o The actual direction depends on the relative concentrations of products and reactants
o Enzymes catalyze reactions in the direction of equilibrium
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