Apr 16, 2005 09:04
Well, i am currently sitting here with a cup of coffee typing this cuz as usualy i cant sleep much past 9:00. But who cares, cuz my parents are gone now, and will be gone for another week :)). So anyways, last night was a complete blast. At first it sucked cuz Sara's mom wasnt gonna let her go see the Amityville Horror with me, but then she changed her mind, so i drove all the way out to Brownstown to go get her cuz im nice like that. So on the way there, i talk to kim and ask if she wants to go. She wasnt gonna cuz she hates horror flicks but then she went, and at the same time she was on the phone with Jess so she went too, which was really cool. So we get there, and those damb bastards check my ID and say i cant buy a ticket. Well luckly, Jess already did so she gave me her extra and all was good. Let me tell you, that was the sweetest movie ever. I loved it. It scared the shit out of everyone in the theater which was really cool. I recommend to everyone that they go see it. O yea, im first chair again (still) which is really cool, and we got our report cards, which myne was screwed up (they forgot the honor point) so i should have a high 3.7 or 3.8. I think thats all for now. Tonight will be so fun with whatever i decide to do so peece out homies!