Jul 04, 2003 23:21
It's fun. It's a good time. And I'm making money.
I'm updating this with five free minutes and a camp computer, which just had a dial-up modem installed. Yay.
The second week of my term at camp is over. The first week was "staff week," which basically means "set-up." We worked a lot. And I do mean a lot. In the seven days of staff week, I put in about 85 hours of work. By the afternoon, I'd been on my feet so long that it hurt to stand. We screened, trimmed, and roofed six cabins. We built five new latrines (there was no defacation involved, we just did the roofing and carpentry). We set up 18 complete camp sites. We did our jobs, and then some.
I should be tired, I should be exhausted, I shouldn't be able to continue working. But I have continued working, and I will continue working. I'm getting shit done, and it's great. Read The Fountainhead, and you'll understand.
In good news, the three commisioners (of which I am one) got a 10 out of a possible 10 points on all our evaluation forms.
I woulda have liked to come home for the weekend, especially because In Flames was playing. I just couldn't, though. There was too much work that still needed to get done.
I got my paycheck today. Which is most excellent. And I found out that they tacked another $150 onto my pay. Nice. (Not a whole lot. But still appreciated)
People should come up some time and visit. The drive's not too bad. You can either call the camp, and leave a message, or drop me a voicemail. With the voicemail, though, I might not get it for a while, due to a near total lack of reception. Oh, and if you want to find camp's phone number (I don't know it off hand), go to either Google or BSABoston.org and look for TL Storer Scout Camp, it shouldn't be too hard to find a number.
I've gotta catch some sleep.
Commisioner 4, signing off.