May 16, 2007 10:25
So, last night we watched The Fountain. If you haven't seen it, don't bother. That is, of course, unless you are into existential, metaphysical bullcrap. In all honesty, we have no idea what the point of the movie was. The closest we could come is that it is about the cyclical nature of the world: birth, life, death. Wash, rinse, repeat.
It took this film two hours to get that across. It took Elton John three minutes to do the same thing in his song 'Circle of Life'. Plus, Elton has the help of cute, animated animals. The Fountain had Hugh Jackman looking like Billy Corgan, wearing silk pyjamas, eating a tree, and posing in silouette a la Wario Wares.
This movie was hokey, Taoist, zen propaganda. Like it's theme, the plot like was circular. It went nowhere, and took a long time doing so. A better bet would be to rent The Lion King, enjoy the inspirational message and the cuddly animals. Lion King has a dancing, happy baboon. The Fountain has one that endured medical experiments on his brain. Which is going to be more enjoyable?
I'll leave you to decide.