LJ is like opening a window

Mar 29, 2006 13:59

It is for ventilation... And judging from my last post, not just for my own. So, now that that is all out in the open we can all breathe again right? Good. Opinions and emotions. Sheesh.

So, on to some more venting...

I am sick of living at home. There is more sister drama. Basically, she is a confused teenager, wants help but doesn't, and wants to pass school without doing any of the work. So, what it amounts to is the fact that she wants her cake, and to eat it too. We all have moments like that in our lives, it just seems so much worse when you are in that irrational teenager state of mind. I hope to god that I was never like that. But, from all accounts, I was a pretty good kid. Hell, I lost my virginity before I ever got drunk or smoked pot. I think that is pretty good. But yeah, emotions and stress are running high, and I am jealous of those friends of mine that live on their own. I envy the freedom, even though I am relatively free to do what I want, and the car definitely helps. Driving is like therapy, especially when it includes a cigarette, and either singing at the top of my lungs, or yelling at Dr. Laura.

I am officially a year behind on the PDP thing. Oh well. It isn't the end of the world. It just sucks because of the sentimental reasons. I realized that I am behind either way, so I have decided to take the summer off and do the science course in the fall. This is a very happy thing for me. University is hard, but worth it, but it has become clear to me that working and school full time for the past 5 and a half years is starting to burn me out. So I am rewarding myself with a break, of sorts.

On a happier note, I have had it confirmed for me this week by the British Consulate that I am already in possession of my dual citizenship. So, next time, I am applying for a British passport. Okay Kieren, let's get married and move to the UK now. I am jealous of you going in 3 MORE SLEEPS! I have my money for you in a ziploc bag, and can't wait to make my 7th trip to the airport in just over a month.

The sunshine soothes my soul. Monday I spent two glorious hours lying in the sun and finished off most of the 12th book I have completed this year while I was up at school, between my lecture and seminar. It was great. I love SFU in the spring. It inspires the catness in me.

Going to have a fire tonight with Rye, Nick, and Kim. It should be lots of fun. So, I should go get some work done so I can get out of here at a decent time tonight.

I feel purged, but not like a bulimic.
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