Further Adventures in Bathing

May 23, 2004 01:46


FINALLY got Fellowship of the Stench to bathe.

Found semi-clean non-descript lake of sorts, and something vaguely resembling soap. Am not sure what substance actually WAS. It came out of Grabby's purse, and was shaped like a duck. But it lathered, and smelled...well...it smelled better than we did, at any rate.

Boromir was WAY too eager to do this whole "bath" thing once he realized all bathing would be done *together*. Am wondering why he seemed so keen on being naked...

Nevermind. Am not wondering. Do not want to know.

Anyway. Frodo whined. As usually. I mean I know he's a sniveling prat under tremendous stress and all, but *seriously*, dude, does EVERYTHING have to be an Event? As soon as people started undressing, he clutches his chest and goes all white and starts muttering about "Exposing the Ring to the forces of Sauron and bringing Doom upon us All and blahblahblah (insert more pretentious yammering here)." Whatever.

I think he just got all prissy so Sam would go find somewhere private for the two of them. At least it kept Sam from staring for a while. That is SO creepy. Ick.

Oh. And Grabby? Blue dye is NOT colorfast. I thought *everyone* knew that. And if I hear ONE more Smurf joke, I'll tell Gimli that you were taking practice swings with his axe. You KNOW how he feels about that axe. Kthx.

Elfy-boi seems to like the Biolage. His hair IS awfully shiny now, and has MUCH more body. It was getting flat.

Mental note: elves v. good at scrubbing backs. Must be all that archery. Or something.

At least I FINALLY feel clean again. Sort of.
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