Attempted translation of the side song on the 'Super Scription of Data' (Higurashi Rei's OP) single. Nice song- quite a peaceful tune. |D
Thanks to
lthemilkeater for the lyrics, again. There are some parts I'm not sure about, mainly concerning word order, but I hope that it's alright. If there are any errors or suggestions, please feel free to tell me.
electric universe
Artist: Eiko Shimamiya
electric universe
ふたつの フィラメント 引き寄せあい
Futatsu no FIRAMENTO (filament) hikiyoseai
The two filaments draw each other in and meet
からまりながら 速度を上げて 高まるエネルギー
Karamari nagara sokudo wo agete takamaru ENERUGII (energy)
As they become entangled, the energy increases speed and rises
electric universe
いにしえの空には 大きなサンダーボルト
Inishie no sora ni wa ookina SANDAABORUTO (thunderbolt)
A giant thunderbolt in ancient skies
畏れることを知り 人はその時 神を岩肌に記したの
Osoreru koto wo shiri hito wa sono toki kami wo iwahada ni shirushita no
Those who knew fear at that time recorded the gods in the bare rock
稲妻は竜 テュフォン 闇の魔物 人はひれ伏す
Inaduma wa ryuu TYUFON (Typhon) yami no mamono hito wa hirefusu
People prostrated themselves before the flash of lightning that was a dragon, Typhon, the apparitions in the dark
全てelectric universe
Subete electric universe
Everything is an electric universe
プラズマ 激しくとぐろを巻きながら
PURAZUMA hageshiku toguro wo maki nagara
Whilst the plasma violently winds itself in coils
閃光の爪 大地を鷲づかみにして持ち去ることなかれ
Senkou no tsume daichi wo washizukami ni shite mochisaru koto nakare
Glinting talons, don’t grab hold of the earth and take me away [1]
electric universe
electric universe
からまりながら 速度を上げて 高まるエネルギー
Karamari nagara sokudo wo agete takamaru ENERUGII
As they become entangled, the energy increases speed and rises
[1] Word order confused me a bit. ;