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I submit my incentive is romance; I watched a pole dance of the stars
Nov 28, 2005 23:57
Myself and the brother, "Gobble Wobble" day. In Virginia.
The dogs at my cousin's fiancee's parent's house:
Tim (a Westie with a gimpy frint left paw)
Fanny (a sweet little scottie!)
My brother, the gangster blaze-orange marshmallow.
For pheasant/chukker hunting!
Fire in bad need of poking.
Engagement Party!
My cousin's baby Ada, in her fancy dress. She's the first baby I ever held.
Our room got evacuated. James and I aren't the most social of children.
So we ate all the food.
All very traditional, of course.
Mom took this. I have horrible posture. And my eyes are closed.
Two former Cold Stone employees. One goes to UNC, the other to Duke. This presented a problem.
But hey, once you've been in the same class for 12 years... Christine and Leah, of course.
My "crazy axe-murdering bitch" face. And Christine. Hearts for Christine, and other old friends.
New hat.
And another one. It's a white ferret, not a panda!
Dancey Dancey.
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