effin aye

May 21, 2005 18:39

Just got back from Stafford...spent the night in this cute little cabin on my dads friends property...the guy is disgustingly rich..i hate it.
Anyways, we got there at like 6..then got pizza...then drank a little...ok drank a lot. He kept giving me all these yummy tasting drinks o_0 And then he gave me 40 bucks (my dads friend Scott) and that was cool..becuase ughhh im poor. I was quite buzzed to say the least. So after that..around 1030..we went to the cabin all of 1/8 a mile away and settled in...I walked around to try and find cell service...but when i found it i realized i shouldnt make the call i was gunna make....so i didnt..and i watched the fish lol. And..then i went night night. Cept i woke up at like 3 becuase we left the heater on and i was like..dying lol. It was so freaking hot..but it wsa really coldoutside...so i couldnt win. So then in the morning...well...oh yeah i watched rush hour 2 with my mommy. I heart that movie...JC is the bomb.
After that...hmm...we walked back to scotts house...and his wife cut my dads hair becuase it was really long and horrible...hmm OH! god the adventure of my weekend.: Getting stuck about 2 miles away on a quad...not know where I am. Yeah this guy has some crazy like four wheel off roading quads...and there insane ! So much funnage..I was driving so fast and then i decided i was getting bored with the trails...and went up a mountain -_-..anyways on the way down..i got stuck on this kinda ...well a tree. and so...it took me all of 45 minutes...to dig the 700 pound quad out of the nice mud hole i had created trying to drive my way out and over the tree..ugh.. i was a mess...it was actually laughable. anyways i made it out..but couldnt keep going down the same way..and just drove to a little clearing so i could get off and figure out where to go...and i noticed a hug stack of rocks and realize...im where an old house used to be...groovy. It was really cool..and then...the coolness ended when i was walking...and fell...into a well. Yeah luckily it was only my leg...and i had caught myself before all of me had fallen down the hole of doom. But wtf...they need to put a sign up or something! It was covered by shit..all it was was this gigantic rocky hole in the gound...so i did my neighborly duty and cleared it off so some other unsuspecting lost bimbo wouldnt fall in and drown. and well while I was clearing it off... my daddy comes to rescue me! He was mad...they all thought i died or something lol. It was all good though. Heh yeah so that was my adventure.

Now I really want to go shopping. I got money...so naturally i need to spend it all..now.
Im sad though. But i shouldn't be. But I am. Why? fuckyou.

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