Apr 27, 2009 00:07
I love this site just because it's like a bubble in time.
I've learned a lot since the last time I wrote something here, things that i'd like to share with whom ever still reads this, maybe it's only me? In that case...read the whole thing future me.
You should never take yourself too seriously, or anyone else for that matter.
It doesn't really matter what you wear, nobody remembers, try and think about what that girl who past by was wearing...huh...thought so...you can't because 1 you don't give a fuck and 2 your brain doesn't work that way, you don't remember everything you do only small parts.
Everything is both black and white, so don't let someone on TV tell you how much you should love something and how much you should hate something else.
no one is weird NO ONE. Just because it doesn't compute doesn't mean you get to stare like a baboon.
You always have to remember that your ego should not dictate what you do. If you need a reference just recall all those pretentious douchebags you met through out your life.
work is slavery as soon as you realize this the sooner you'll start being happy. Why do you want to have more shit?/ it makes no sense new clothes new TV new new new, after a while it isn't new so it doesn't make you happy anymore. What a shitty cycle, pero ni modo
The best part about being human is that we're able to think about whatever the fuck we want. Sure it comes with a lot of obstacles but it's definitely worth it. I love to think