Baffling, really.

Apr 18, 2005 16:38

It has come to my attention that certain types of people may not be entirely what they seem to be. The general sentiment that statement implies is sheer common sense, I realise, but I am making a vague reference to a certain person or persons at this school who are specifically in mind. Without divulging anything concrete about said individual/s, let me continue to make points, in list form:

1. Madness is in the eye of the beholder. One might appear mad without necessarily being mad. Furthermore, madness can and is affected, I believe, on a daily basis by certain people. That said, one may attempt to appear mad, should one choose to do so. Reasons for doing so are varied, and subject to being catered towards situations.

2. A definition of "friend" - A person whom one knows; an acquaintance. Further defining of "know" - to be able to distinguish, or recognise as distinct. This is considered by most to be too broad a definition. "To discern the character or nature of" is much the same, though it does narrow things down. Is everyone I discern a friend? This is hardly the case. Do I discern the character or nature of my friends? Sometimes I believe that I do, but I would not put too much stock on my accuracy in the matter. Therefore, "to know" would have to be "to be aware of," and "friend" would have to be specified. A better definition of "friend" - A person whom one likes and trusts. Too specific, and hinging on the definition of "trust." Remove the word "trust," and we have a more solid definition. If I were trying to define the word to my satisfaction, I might propose a further definition of "friend" - A person whom one tolerates, and whom one is tolerated in return by, with possible feelings of affection or amusement thrown in the mix. I am not trying to define the word to my satisfaction, however, so the first definition should be kept in mind.

3. A definition of "rival" - To be the equal or match of. A competitor. In that sense, I am rivaled by my housemates as well as my other classmates.

We are in a competition for grades, status, standing, space, resources... such as food, water, and air. In that sense, I am rivaled by every other human being on this planet, am I not? Every person has equal capacity of taking my place in the world as any other person. Let me narrow - every student in my year has an opportunity to best me in grades, or to take my position at this school. In that sense, every student in my year is a rival. I am aware of every other student in my year. In that sense, every student in my year is a friend. By virtue of position, favouritism and the inherit "inequality" of the school system, certain students in my year are in better standing than I am. By virtue of that same inequality, certain students are in better position to be my "friends."

I am not entirely sure that this positioning can be by choice. If one believes in Fate, some of it might be by design. If that is the case, then perhaps there are no such things as friends and rivals, when everything is boiled down to the core substance. Perhaps there are merely names on a list or set of lists that mean absolutely nothing at all.

Or is that madness?

It doesn't matter.

The end result is that I believe any student who would willingly opt to spend his or her free time in a loo to be absolutely mad in the eye of this beholder, and as such a very poor rival indeed.
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