Jun 13, 2003 18:03
We try to deny it, and yet we exhibit traits not unlike those of an animal on a daily basis: territoriality over a prospective mate, we care for our young much like those in the wild would, with the additional perk of a buttload of modern accomodations, so on and so forth.
We use diplomacy as a veil to hide our bestial nature, when in reality all we want to do is get it on, or rip someone apart, so to speak.
We think that because we were given the ability to make conscious decisions, that we should act accordingly, but the reasoning is flawed. Hindered by hormones, which are the onset of an emotion.
My name is Nicholas, and i'm a hermit crab. I'm casting away my batchelor appartment shell of hypocrisy, and moving into my Beverly Hills mansion shell of brutish desires.
God, that analogy totally fucking sucked.
I'm an animal, hear me roar.
Rawr. :)