I woke up alone.
There wasn’t time to remember what had happened before this, the panic of it set in too fast.
I was alone. And, man, did I hate being alone. I felt the sting of tears in my eyes but as soon as I did my old man’s voice chased them back.
“You’d better not cry.”
I wasn’t going to cry. I wanted to look up and see him, because even being with him, with Jecht, would be better than being alone. I had felt him, I was sure of it.
Somehow I managed to drag myself up, and I took in my surroundings for the first time. It was wet, and cold. Definitely not Zanarkand. And there was no Auron either. I think that was what worried me the most and prompted me to try and remember.
For ten years that old grouch had never been more than a call away. And in an instant he was gone.
But then, it was his fault this happened in the first place.
It all came back to me in a single, painful moment. The screaming, Sin, Auron…I wanted it to just be a bad dream. It wasn’t though, no matter how hard I wished, no matter how many times I closed my eyes tight and tried to force myself to wake up.
I still had that sword.
And everything that had happened was just as real as the steel. Everything that had happened was more real than I was.
Tidus. Final Fantasy. 250 Words.