Mar 02, 2004 16:30
it's the second day of the month and already i want march to be over with. march has always seem to be a busy month for me and this year is proving to be no exception. for i have this upon my plate:
1. Four exams in three weeks
2. Two papers due
3. I'm trying to go to Seattle for spring break, so i'm going to have to ask off six days from both jobs--and i JUST started my new one.
4. Working two jobs and all this homework
and as an added bonus:
5. I'm supposed to move in to my apartment March 20.
..i think i hate my life.
however, today all i had to do was go to class and go to the library. done and done. no work..ahhh..and only working 12-3 tomorrow and no class...AHHHH...but it's not going to last long. le grand sigh.
what i'm looking foward to for the rest of the day:
1. staring at ronnie
2. drowning my sorrows in a big, ol' Chipolte vegetarian burrito
3. watching One Tree Hill
..can't wait.
trying not to let these down feelings take over my pseudo-innate happiness
you must see The Passion of Jesus Christ. however, you will cry and sob.
live through this..
p.s. oh yeah, a brief moment of joy--i got 6g plugs through my ears.