Please report to the front desk!

Oct 31, 2007 15:37

So over the past few days there is now an extra bedmaker working in the third unit I was assigned a week or two ago. I was just getting used to that unit and I think the normal staff there are the most wonderful and kindest of people around! But this person who is technically new there seems to have this bossy attitude that really gets on my nerves. It's like this person thinks they're so good or something, and they are looking down upon me. The thing is, this person is working the same position as me. I think she might be a bit ableist or something like that. Anyone who doesn't achieve what she does is nothing... Type A is what she is.

I can't work with her because her pace is far too fast for me to keep up. Her work ethic is also very sketchy. She makes the beds in a very very careless fast manner and ends up finishing early and having to go back around the entire unit to try and correct mistakes that were made. When I make beds I try my very hardest to do everything right so I don't have to check up on things to make sure later. That way I don't have to walk around the entire unit again. Another thing is that she doesn't communicate. Obviously something is bothering her but she is not communicating what it is.

Another thing that she did today I thought was odd. I came in 3 mins late in that last unit that I used to look forward to working in.... and I ask the nurse if the other person was there, she says yep. So I go around the hall and find her, ask how she is, and ask if she wants help, and she very very sloppily makes this bed in an angry manner and simply says, "go do whatever you want!" so I just respond with, "O.K, clearly I am not needed here so I am going back to my other unit." and I think she started mouthing off about this or that as I left. I guess maybe she is one of those people who wants to seem like such a "hero" for doing such arduous and terribly difficult tasks for others. There is no merit. It's like, "yes, go ahead and I will just stay here and work, don't worry about a thing, do whatever!"... GUH...

I am going to get to work early tomorrow (hopefully) and start my tasks early so that I can get to that unit in time enough that I will already be working when she comes by. Perhaps I could ask her if she wants to visit someone and spend time with them instead of making beds all day. (I did that because she was making beds heroically of course, today.) I want to get to the bottom of this and figure out what's going on. I want to know why this person is lashing out inappropriately, and holding back any worthwhile communications.

There are a few other things that this person has done that totally make me feel like I am worthless too, but it's not worth wasting any more energy talking about it... I just hope this situation mends over time. I don't want it to end in a bad way...

Anyways, I am off and out into the real world again! kthxbai.
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