2014 in Review

Dec 31, 2014 18:35

2014 was another whirlwind year. If it weren't for my obsessive need fun hobby of making lists of everything I do, I probably wouldn't remember what happened at all. I also realised that I never did a wrap-up of 2013, but at least I can easily pull most of the statistics from that year to compare.

2014 Statistics (2013 statistic in brackets)
Books finished: full-length: 9 (22) ; short & manga: 11 (30)
Books currently reading as of today: 9

Craft items started: 9 (7)
Craft items finished: 4 (3)
Craft projects currently in progress as of today: 44

Blog posts: 17 (26)
Pinterest pins pinned (approx.): 15,000 (7,000)

When I think back on it, 2014 can be characterised by hiding: shrinking, withdrawing, going within to escape. I went out less, I posted less in my blog, I even read less books. The things going on inside my head were too distracting for me to concentrate on my beloved books. Though I'm pleased to see that I did a little more craft.

As for the blog, the majority of what I did post this past year has been about gardening. It's not surprising really, as my garden is my delight and my refuge. (Also a source of heartache, but worth it, as any gardener would agree!) With all of my art and craft supplies still packed from moving house, and most of the rooms filled with boxes (some literally!), gardening was just about the only creative outlet I had.

Eventually I got sick of waiting to be unpacked, and just went out and bought some more craft supplies! I started a new blanket using Bendigo Woollen Mills yarn. It's become my favourite brand as it comes in 200g balls, so it's great for larger projects.

I really hope it takes me less than 20 years to finish this one....

And, just because I feel like it, the first Annual Apartmentcat Favourites Award:

Favourite Book of the Year: Neil Patrick Harris : Choose Your Own Autobiography (I got it for Christmas, so it only just scraped in!)
......Runner Up: I also enjoyed the short story Head and Shoulders by F. Scott Fitzgerald, as read by B.J. Harrison

Favourite Movie of the Year: I really enjoyed Wreck-It Ralph and Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

Favourite Blog of the Year: Stylebunny (It was a tough one to decide, but I have to love a family where a salami is a perfectly acceptable Christmas present!)

2014, new year

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