Quick Update

Jun 05, 2010 15:59

Hi! I'm just quickly sharing two craft projects that I've been working on lately. The first is a cosy for my printer. You're thinking "nuts!", yes? Well, I noticed that it was starting to get a lot of dust on it. Nothing ever comes with a bag, box or cover to keep it in these days. I guess companies think that the item will break down and you'll be buying a new one before it gets the chance to gather dust!

You can see in the picture that I'm crocheting it from the middle out. It's big enough now to cover the top of the printer. I just want to make a few more rows so it goes down the sides a bit. Interesting choice of colours, you may think? I was going for a really cheesy, 70s, retro feel. I think it worked. You can also see a little bit of the gorgeous lovely knitting project bag that I got from Avonlea Designs [link to blog]. Unfortunately she's closed down her Etsy shop for now. I do hope she starts up again one day. I love the colours and patterns she uses in her sewing and it was very well made.

Prospect Number 2 is my very first Entrelac project! I'm using This Pattern [links to Ravelry: login required] which is a tutorial for a rectangular piece. Then you can continue to make it as long as you like. I'm making a headband/headwarmer thingy. It'll be quite wide, but I think I'll be glad of that when I'm on my trip to Europe in a few months. (Yes, you heard right!! Wooohooo!) I'm sure it'll be finished by then. Really sure.

A lot of people say that Entrelac makes them want to gouge their own eyes out with a pair of 10mms, but I really like it. Sure, it's kinda fiddly but - unlike Illusion Knitting - the results make me go, "wow, I made that! That's so cool!" (If you love Illusion, fair enough. Your kilometreage may vary.)

The yarn for both of these projects was sourced from my enormous stash. It pains me to admit it, but I actually don't think I'll need to buy yarn again for a while. There, I said it. Ouch!

More of the whats and the hows and the whys when I'm a bit further along on both projects.

homewares, crochet, headwear, in progress, ravelry, knitting, 2010, new crafts & techniques, spending

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