Speed Blogging

Jun 21, 2008 18:51

Filati, originally uploaded by apartmentcat.
Here is a random ball of bizarrely coloured wool for your delectation (or revulsion, up to you). I bought it a few years ago and it's currently lurking in the further reaches of my stash. Why? I don't have any actual picturage but I feel the need to share. So here we are.

I haven't done much crafting this week, sorry to say. My life has mostly involved stressing during the day, and then in the evenings jogging and lifting large, round pieces of metal repeatedly.

I did finish the Purples and Pinks scarf that my friend asked me to make, and over a lovely catch-up at Nandos, I sold it to her, swapped it for money, initiated a currency-based barter .. Sheesh, no matter how I say it, it seems wrong! I'm still getting the hang of this craftin' for a livin' thing.

Meanwhile, a colleague of hers has asked me to make another scarf for her in pink colours, which I'm very excited about. At least that's something I know I can make! The test skinny scarves I've made have been a bit disappointing. The ends tend to curl. Hopefully a little blocking will sort that out, but I've never done blocking before and I'm worried that it won't work. I'll give it a go tomorrow though.

Also this week, I just have to mention that I received my Etsy order from lupin. Wow! I ordered a couple of zines and a brooch during her birthday sale, and she sent me about twice as much stuff as I'd ordered! Apparently it was to celebrate her 900th sale as well. (yay for her!) I've been watching her shop for a long time and more recently her blog and I really admire her stuff. Sad to say it took the promise of free stuff to get me to buy something, but I am the little crass, consumerist tight-arse. Contradictory, moi? Anyway, she's wonderful! I'm thinking of sending a little thank you gift back. Shhh, don't tell!

etsy love, my stash, finished, in the pipeline, 2008, neckwear, spending

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