Busy busy busy

Jun 19, 2007 22:05

Guess what people? I finished my socks a week ago!:

How up-to-date am !?

I haven't knitted much lately because I have been

... working from 8.30am to 5.00pm every single day of the week for the first time ever and going to work every day and learning lots of words I don't understand and filling in lots of spreadsheets that I have no idea what they're for and printing out hundreds of useless pieces of paper and filing them in a big cupboard and trying to look like I'm listening attentively while being totally bewildered inside and cringing every time the phone rings and ...

Oops, sorry about that. I tuned out for a second.

I haven't been doing very much knitting, but I've found this really great website that I've been working on a lot: Ravelry. See my Ravelry here. It's a site where you can list all your projects, stash yarns, needles, etc in one place. It's really exciting. For example, if you are thinking, "how many coathanger covers have I actually made?" you can use the tags to find that out. Or if you are thinking, "I'd like to make a ___ but I need 3 balls of pink cotton to make it" you can look that up in the stash section without having to dig through cupboards of stuff.
There are a few niggling things with it - it uses Flickr as its host, and I had all my photos on Photobucket. I created a Flickr account and I'm transferring them over, but it's taking time. So whenever I upload a photo, I have to do one copy for my blog, and another for my ravelry.
The other thing is that it's still in beta stage. I'm pretty excited to have received an invitation (I guess they thought my blog was good enough - Squeee! as Violet from Lime n Violet would say.) Today a few new fields have appeared on it, which means if I want to make sure everything is consistent, I have to go through and change all the entries I've already made so those fields are filled in. Meh! Who has time for that? ...
When there are so many podcasts to listen to! =)
New ones I am loving are:
* Sticks and String. Firstly, he's Australian. Secondly, he's a man! A really interesting and different perspective on knitting, in a lot of ways. He's technical, philosophical, and has a couple of great cats.
* Craftypod. I love, love, love this podcast! Each episode is on a different craft. It's only about 15 minutes long, so it doesn't tax my short attention span. The musical interludes are really retro and fun.

It has been 29 days since I last bought yarn.
You may be surprised to see that, but it hasn't been that hard. You see, since I've been working full-time, I haven't been able to get to a yarn shop. I don't have a car, so I carpool with my flatmate to work. The office is in a place so far out of the way of any yarn shops, that they would all be closed by the time I got there. I spend all weekend with my boyfriend, and either don't have time to go, or he talks me out of it. So, I guess that's a good thing really. *sighs* Really. *Resists the urge to log on to Ebay. Gives in*

Here's another doiley I made years ago and have been using all this time, and not realised it wasn't in my list of projects:

It's made from the left-over cotton from the Flower Facewashers. I did plan on making a series of different-sized ones, but that microbe-sized attention span got in the way again. D'oh!

homewares, 2007, finished, ravelry, knitting, my stash, podcast love, footwear

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