Bloggy Stuff

May 31, 2007 17:15

I have been thinking a bit about my blog lately. I've been reading a lot of other blogs in the last couple of months, and I've been getting Blog Envy again. All the other blogs are so pretty and professional-looking, and mine is ugly and has crappy, un-artistic pictures and no touching and insightful revelations from my private life at all! It just sucks!
So I was tweaking with the colours, etc the other day, and I realised that my blog is set so that it won't come up in searches. I didn't realise or had forgotten that. I can't decide whether to leave it like that or allow searches. It would be great if other knitters read my blog and posted comments and gave me blog love, but then I would have to reciprocate and love them back and I'm just not into that sort of thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are lots of wonderful, warm and caring people out there in the knitting-blogosphere, but I'm really bad at replying to my friends' emails, let alone someone I've never even met! So I think I'll leave it as-is for now.

Speaking of the blogosphere, there's this thing called Frappr now. You can set up a map, and people log on to the website and put 'pins' in the map. All the cool kids who have podcasts or blogs are doing it. I think it's a really good idea. The maker of the map knows how many people are listening to/reading their stuff and where in the world they are, and the pin-pushers can add their little 'yay, I like you' message while still remaining relatively anonymous. (And anyone who knows me knows that anonymity is my bag, baby.)

Sorry, I'm digressing pretty seriously here. Back to MY blog. I think I might change the format. I can't get rid of the grey background no matter what I do.
Also, yesterday I was thinking of reducing the size of all of the photos I post from now on. It's not fair on any readers to have to download huge photos when they're so crappy! But then, this morning Boy was playing with my camera, and he said, "you know, this has a close-up function?" And I said, "WHAT??" "Yeah, all you have to do is press this button." I mean, DUH!!!!, I've only had it for about 5 years!
But then again, I got it for free second-hand, and there was no manual, and I'm not the type of girl that needs to know what every button does now, am I? *twirls hair around finger and bats eyelashes*

I got so excited, that I ran around taking close-up photos of everything!:

Speaking of Boy, after much trawling earlier in the week, I found a pattern for a reversible cable scarf [Warning: PFD file] that he approves of (well, he approved of the picture pretty heartily anyway). It looks like one I would enjoy doing as well. Though, looking at the pattern, I don't know how the back will come out looking the same as the front. *shrugs* I'll do a swatch on the weekend.
Now that the pattern is decided, I have to find the yarn! Boy is allergic to wool. This is a bit of a problem. He also expressed a preference for a blue colourway and variegated yarn. (He didn't actually use either of those terms, I have to point out! He's more the computers-and-woodworking type). I've heard rumblings before that cable patterns don't look very good when done with variegated yarns, but there are some really great tweeds and flecked yarns out there as well, so perhaps I can compromise.
My first mini knitting shop foray didn't go so well. At Clegg's they had a gorgeous blue yarn flecked with reds and greens, but it was 100% wool. Everything else I looked at was too. At Lincraft, they didn't really have any flecked tweeds, but they did have a gorgeous soft alpaca blend. I SMSed boy to ask if he was allergic to alpaca. Strangely enough, he wasn't sure. It only came in solid colours, though, so I'm leaning away from that. I looked at the Zhivago as well, as that has some variegated colours as well, but the choices ran more to the orange and pink end of the spectrum rather than blue.
I haven't able to get to any more shops since then, but it's given me something to think about.

It has been 11 days since I last bought yarn.

gift craft, my stash, 2007, in the pipeline, machinery of blog-ernment

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