Updates as they happen.... for once!

May 05, 2007 18:33

I have been knitting away like a mad knitting thing lately! Knitting in the car on the way to/from work, knitting in spare moments while I'm getting ready for work, knitting while I watch TV with my flatmates, knitting while chatting with Boy on messenger! etc etc
I have also been knitting while I listen to............

MY NEW iPOD!!!!!

(Thanks to the lovely lovely friends who put in to get me one for my birthday!)
You see, I have discovered podcasting. There are podcasts about knitting! Lots of them! It's so exciting! So far, my favourite ones are:

* Lixie Knits It Live - This English girl is so adorable, I just want to eat her up! She only started in February, and the podcasts are only every couple of weeks, so I think I can catch up pretty easily.
* Lime & Violet - These crazy girls from the US talked about testicle bags, devil-wool and yarn-orgasms all in the first episode; I knew it was the podcast for me. Unfortunately though, I have about 35 eps to catch up on, they are an hour long and they come out once a week. But I think it will be worthwhile!
* The Knitting Cook - Combining two of my favourite things! A smart idea!
Ones I want to remind myself to check out are Craftypod and Proud to be Crafty (actually, they may be the same thing, I can't remember).

I'll move on, as I can hear you all snoring, to the lovely sexy pictures!

I've been working pretty hard on my first AIDS Baby Vest [see last post to find out what the hell I'm talking about] and I've nearly finished it!:

Only about 10 rows to go, and then all I have to do is sew the sides up. The sleeves are already built in, so I don't have to worry about them, just head on down each side. It went quicker and easier than I thought, and that's because I've tried to see knitting as a slightly different concept from before. When I go across rows, back and forth, back and forth, turning and plodding and grinding away, I think of each pair of rows ('out and back', as I've been thinking of it) as a single row, or single action. And I'll mark the stitch counter or pattern after each pair of rows. I've found it makes the knitting go quicker, or seem to go quicker, anyway! This probably wouldn't work for a really large project or with a stitch where it's harder to keep track of which row you are on. But it worked for me on this project, anyway!

Also, I've been pushing away hard on the B-Scarf (see last post) and I've nearly finished it! Lucky, cause you-know-who's birthday is tomorrow! Argh! But all I have to do is cast off and add the fringe (and swear on my life never to use fur yarn again!). Boy has promised to help me with the fringe - that way we can say the gift is from both of us! So that project is well on the way to all-good status.

Today I went to the big refurbishment sale at Spotlight, and this is what I bought:

Here we have:
* Knitting Essentials magazine. It has 59 patterns, not all of which are crap, and the other 100 pages are ads for different yarns. Oh well, some nice, drool-worthy shots, and at least you know how much everything si going to cost before you go. And there were some discount coupons in the back.
* some coathangers. Coathangers covers are so quick and easy to make. Instant gratifiction! And they're useful too.
* A bottle with a pressure seal. This is for my new hobby of making my own liqueurs. So far I've made Irish cream (twice), orange liqueur, strawberry liqueur and honey whiskey (twice). It's good fun! ;)
* A large jar. I got this idea last time I was at Spotlight. They had on display a huge vase made of clear glass with lots of beautiful, sexy wool inside it. I have a few balls of sexy-wool myself, and I thought it was a shame to keep it all hidden away, so I bought this jar to display them in. It has a lid so they won't get dusty, either. Brill.
* A knitting loom - a set of 4 kind of, giant Knitting Nancys, the kind I used to make Barbie clothes with when I was a kid. You can use them to make hats, scarves, boob tubes, any kind of circular knitting. I'd been coveting it for a while. I cracked it open and started working on the hat-size one, with the recommended ply wool, but it's turning out really wierd. It's much looser than I thought it would be - it even looks a bit lacy. I dunno. I'll see how it goes....
(Ironically, the ad for it promises 'no knitting'!)
* 3 balls of wool I got from the 99c bin. There was saddeningly little yarn on sale at this so-called 'sale.' I was very disappointed. The huge sale bin only had about 6 balls of scuzzy navy blue and marone acrylic at the bottom, a whole bunch of empty ball bands, and these three. Oh well, it's probaby for the best. I'm really trying to cut back. My stash has overrun the cupboard it was meant to originally occupy, and parts of it are now lurking in the bottom of my wardrobe, on my knitting pattern shelf and on the floor, cheekily in full sight!

I have been coveting a pattern in the Paton's Zhivago winter wraps [see original post], a vest-thingy with a voluminous front that you can snuggle up in, with sleeves added, but that would involve me forking out quite a bit for the wool, and lots of work, with a cardigan that's 90% done still on the needles, which I'm too scared to finish in case I stuff it up. Is there a support group for that?? I looked for a cool, huge, 60's style button for it at Spotlight today, but I didn't find one. Is that a sign?
I need help!

knitting, my stash, 2007, podcast love, in progress, spending

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