Nov 06, 2003 13:41
Here begins a post that awakens a journal, a time capsule that has been hidden for too long. Though the Apartment 18 Triforce quality initiative is now defunct ( its members spread across the planet earth, terminated by circumstance ) we can still make entries into this virtual log to show how individually we continue our quest to forge quality in our own far reaching vistas.
Though I have many entertaining stories to tell, the most important gets coverage first. Thanks to an online mechanism known as Friendster ( or Fitzgerald’s if you remain in the circle ) I have met two individualistic individuals who caught my inquisitive eye. In much the same way a sexually transmitted disease defies the latex barrier of a prophylactic, so did their high propensity for personality defy the character wasteland that is Tampa Bay. While my altruistic tendencies pushed me to try and form a Second Triforce of Quality with these individuals, I would discover my efforts premature, stifled but not suffocated. While there are many positives, the negatives in interacting with their dynamic presented themselves to me and made the initial sincerity factor ( the bedrock of any quality initiative ) impossible. The first initiative took a lot of time in the making, so then will this.
Rather than describing Helen and Matt for the readers, visit there Friendster profiles through my own friendster profile, Trusty Lasso. I will say only this about them. Thanks to the double edged sword of extreme self awareness, obsessive observance and high intelligence, the Helen and Matt dynamic is involved in a never ending cycle of pleasure and pain as they deal with observing and interacting with an onslaught of low quality and mostly worthless Tampa Bay natives. This worthless element can be extrapolated from greasy Tampa townies to the Tampa Bay environment itself ( jobs, hangout spots ), of which Helen and Matt are, along with me, tragically tied to.
This post is halted here. More to come soon.