Ultimate Purity Score Is... CategoryYour Score Average Self-Lovin'68.3%
Explored the pleasures of the flesh 65%Shamelessness90.5%
Has yet to see self in mirror 79.4% Sex Drive 94.7%
The Pope is envious77.7%Straightness53.6%
Felt someone up once 44.9% Gayness 98.2%
Repressed, are we? 83.6%
Fucking Sick85%
Refreshingly normal 90%
You are 78.26% pure
Average Score: 72.7%
Take The Ultimate Purity Test
and see how you match up! Your
Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score CategoryYour ScoreAverageHacklust72.64%
Enjoys the occasional head-lopping53.4% Sensitive Roleplaying74.68%
Will talk after everyone important's been killed 54.2%GM Experience89.13%
"Um... You guys are in a 10'x10' room..." 69.3% Systems Knowledge93.79%
Played in a couple of campaigns 90.2% Livin' La Vida Dorka82.76%
Nobody at work would ever suspect62.9% You are 84.01% pure
Average Score: 68.6%
Take The Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Test
and see how you match up!