Nov 08, 2007 11:36
i'm just so tired.
it seems like one thing after another. i know life isn't easy. i get that by now. year after year after year of just being beaten down with bad news and worse news and death and drugs and all the shit that comes as a side effect of that infectious disease known as life really helps you know your place in the world.
it's like life is trying to make sure you know you're its bitch.
"you have to put up with this curveball. why? because i'm LIFE, biotch so get over it!"
"you're going to get hit by a car on your birthday. why? because i'm LIFE dammit!"
well you know what life? i quit.
you suck. i know it. you know it. i'm done with you. the past 6 months have been shit and i blame you. i don't even have to blame me and that's pretty awesome. and why don't i blame me?
because i didn't have anything to do with cancer and biopsies.
because i didn't kill mark.
because i didn't cancel the show.
because i didn't fucking ask for this again.
life, you are an unrelenting heartless bitch.