Title: No Rescue
Dedicated To: You Know Who You Are
Fandom: Original
Author: Apache Firecat
Characters: OCs
Rating: PG/K+
Summary: It won't happen again.
Word Count: 100
Written For:
Drabble Soup: A Knife in the Back
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.
You did it again. You swept into our lives like night falling across the land, only we looked forward to the moon rising with your darkness. There was no moon, though. There was no joy, no seeking heart. You swept in like a thief, took what you wanted, left, and hurt everybody in your wake.
This all resulted from us running to rescue you. The next time you're on fire, don't call us. We'll add gasoline, but we will not help. We will not open the doors again. You'll never again hit us with yet another knife in the back.
The End