Apr 17, 2007 08:58
I was told I should post this in here.
I got home yesterday, took a walk around my neighborhood with my crutches, just to be out and enjoy the sun. Then I got home, did a few things and came online.
I'd just sat down at the computer and got myself situated and was about to start gaming, when I heard a knock.
So, I got up, crutched my way to the door, which really is no big deal. But it was a couple Jehovah's Witnesses with their normal pamphlets for God, all about how I'm going to hell. I should have saved the last one I got. It was comical really.
I really didn't feel like dealing with them and wasn't in the normal nice mood, where I just smile, nod, tell them I have to go, take the pamphlets and shut the door.
No instead, I looked at them deadpan and said, "I'm in league with the Son of Darkness," or something along those lines. They gave me shocked stares and I shut the door. Hobbled back to my computer and told Zeph who said I had to write it in LJ.
Yes, I realize I am going to Hell.