Neo-Paganism chuggin' along on their RaceFail train

Jan 18, 2010 07:51

The Racist Mythology

Author: Annika
Posted: January 17th. 2010
Times Viewed: 635

I am sure you are familiar with the myth of Atlantis, a supposed drowned island that was once a paradise of highly evolved human beings with advanced technology. This was a myth Hitler fully accepted and believed in. He believed Atlantis had been the cradle of civilization and the evolution of the Aryan race. He believed that Aryans were more evolved than other humans, that they were a separate Race of their own. When Atlantis was submerged in The Great Flood, Aryans took refuge on the mountaintops of the Himalayas.

Hitler was a self confessed Catholic, and to him the story of Noah surviving the flood was paralleled in the mythology of Atlantis. God had punished the other humans because they were impure and flawed. Only the Aryan descendants of Noah were loved by God.

The Nazis had written on their belts "God is With Us" as they believed them selves to be the "chosen people" of the Bible. The Old Testament show a very tribal attitude, in which outside tribes are killed, raped, enslaved, at the behest of an angry god. Only the chosen people, the Aryan Race, were favored by god, to reign over the earth and inherit God's Kingdom.

Hitler had many experiments carried out in the area of the Himalayas. The natives would be inspected, their skulls and faces measured, to determine what ancestry they had. It is in this area of India that the term Aryan derives, and refers to the ruling class, who had lighter skin and blue eyes. Hitler believed that the blue-eyed Aryans of India were the ancestors of the Germans, and that Aryans had spread northward to populate Europe and Scandinavia, but had been contaminated by outside races. Hitler wanted to eliminate the outside races from Aryan blood, and breed a new nation of super-evolved humans.

Nazis raided neighboring countries to kidnap children with blue eyes and blonde hair, to bring them back to German orphanages where they could be trained in Nazi schools. The Nazis encouraged single young women of Aryan appearance to fall pregnant by Nazi soldiers who had been selected based on their Racial Purity. The children conceived by this selective breeding were brought up in the orphanages, or given to racially pure German families.

As Hitler believed India and Northern Europe to have common ancestry, he adopted the swastika, a symbol found in both Hindu and Norse art. Hitler believed he was serving God by carrying out the Biblical mission of achieving Aryan supremacy. The Old Norse myths were re-written to reflect the Atlantis mythology. The Norse Gods were pictured as Aryan Kings who travelled to Scandinavia from Asia.

The Prose Edda (sometimes called the Younger Edda or Snorra Edda) was written by Snorri Sturluson, a prominent thirteenth-century Icelandic poet and politician. In Snorri's view, the “historical” Odin, king of the Norse gods, was one of these "men of Asia" descended from Trojan heroes. He migrated north, founding various Norse, Swedish, Danish, and Saxon dynasties. This Odin is the one who later imparted Norse mythology to Gylfi, a Swedish king, through a deception described in the first main section of the Prose Edda.

Indra, a Hero of the Rig Veda, was thought to have been an Aryan leader. Rig Veda, Book 5, Hymn XXX:5 "When thou wast born supremest at a distance, bearing a name renowned in far-off regions, Since then even Gods have been afraid of Indra: he conquered all the floods which served the Dâsa." XXXI:3 "When out of strength arose the strength that conquers, Indra displayed all powers that he possesses. Forth from the cave he drove the milky mothers, and with the light laid bare investing darkness." XXXI:11 "I hear that thou wast born sole Lord of heroes of the Five Races, famed among the people. As such my wishes have most lately grasped him, invoking Indra both at eve and morning."

I once picked up a Theosophical book from the library and was surprised to read of the Racist Atlantis mythology. Theosophists were very interested in Indian mythology and the concept of Atlantis. In their beliefs, Humans were on a path of evolution that would lead to spiritual enlightenment. Theosophy is a doctrine of religious philosophy and metaphysics originating with Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) .

Blavatsky argued that the whole humanity, and indeed every reincarnating human soul, evolves through a series of seven "Root Races". Thus in the first age, humans were pure spirit; in the second age, they were sexless beings inhabiting the now lost continent of Hyperborea; in the third age the giant Lemurians were informed by spiritual impulses endowing them with human consciousness and sexual reproduction. Modern humans finally developed on the continent of Atlantis. Theosophists believed that Aryans were the most advanced Race, and that the older Races would eventually die out.

Guido von List later took up some of Blavatsky's theories, mixing them with nationalism to formulate Ariosophy, a precursor of Nazism. The Thule Society was one of several German occult groups drawing on Ariosophy to preach Aryan supremacy. It provides a direct link between occult racial theories and the racial ideology of Hitler and the emerging Nazi party.

Mankind is thought to have originated in Africa, relatively recently compared to other animals on Earth. We evolved alongside apes and monkeys, in a world that was heavily forested. Earth has gone through many climate changes, and Europe has spent time as an inhospitable desert, as well as a snow-drowned plane of ice. Mankind had to adapt to the climate changes, by survival of the fittest. Humans emigrated from Africa and reached Europe only 35, 000-40, 000 years ago.

Gradually humans developed lighter skin, pale eyes and hair, to absorb more sunshine. Their family in the south adapted to a warming temperature, developing darker skin, hair, and eyes. If we look at a skin-map of the world, we can see that on the equator of the Earth, humans have developed the darkest appearance, and the closer you get to the poles, the lighter their appearance becomes. There is no borderline between one 'race' and another; there is only a gradual dilution of colour.

"Blond hair occurs naturally in humans of all ethnicity, but at such low rates that it is hardly noticeable in most populations. In certain European populations, the occurrence of blond hair is more frequent, leading to the misguided impression that blondness is a European trait."

Blonde hair was an evolutionary response to the Ice Age. Humans in the north experienced a shortage of food, and required large hunting parties to go in search of wooly mammoths. The hunting parties consisted primarily of young men, as women stayed in the safety and warmth of their homes to care for infants. The harsh environment caused many young men to be injured and die while desperately fighting off starvation. Edible plant life was very hard to come by, and gathering nuts and berries was a vital job for the remaining women to perform. Women were more able to perform if they had a pale appearance that was better adapted to the conditions.

As more men died on hunting expeditions, there was high competition among women to find mates. This meant that only the most suitably adapted women were able to reproduce, and caused a significant increase in the number of people with fair appearance.

Red hair evolved 40, 000 to 20, 000 years ago, followed by blonde hair 10, 000 years ago. Red and blonde hair occurs in many ethnic groups, not just Europeans. It can be found in the Far East and Australia. Scotland has the highest proportion of redheads of any country worldwide with around 13% of the population having naturally red hair. A further 40% of Scots carry the MC1R variant gene, which results in red hair. Ireland has the second highest population of naturally redheaded people in the world, amounting to about 10% of its inhabitants.

Viking invaders, who later founded Dublin and York, had a significant amount of redheads among them. It has been hypothesized in studies by Bodmer and Cavalli-Sforza (1976) that lighter skin pigmentation prevented rickets in colder latitudes by encouraging higher levels of Vitamin D production.

Light colours also retain heat better than do dark colours -- although they similarly absorb heat less, but this has little significance when there is little to be absorbed, as in far-northern climes where sunlight is scarce for much of the year.

Red and blonde hair often gets darker with age, and is therefore associated with youth. Having this youthful appearance is also associated with child like behavior, frivolity, and passion. This is why, despite blonde and red hair being naturally rare, many people bleach and dye their hair for a more youthful appearance.

In many tribal societies, pale features were a sign of aristocracy. In Old Norse literature, blonde hair is a token of noble breeding, whereas red hair is the sign of a landowner, and black hair is the characteristic of a servant. In Indian Caste systems, lighter complexions indicate nobility, and darker appearance indicates servitude. This Indo-European concept of beauty finds pale features more desirable, perhaps because of the association with youth, and also as an indication of wealth. The wealthier you were, the less time you needed to spend outside in the sun, and therefore maintain fair skin. Dark skin meant you had been toiling outdoors all day to serve the aristocracy.

In the modern era however, this association was flipped over. Industrialization meant that poorer classes spent more time in doors, working in factories all day long and not getting any sunlight. Upper classes were able to lounge in the sun, attaining a golden tan. So today a mid tone of skin is most desirable in Western society to indicate wealth. As red heads find it more difficult to tan, the "ginger" appearance has become less desirable. It is important to challenge these conventions of beauty, as society levels out, and the gap between rich and poor becomes smaller, diversity of appearance will become more acceptable.

Many people treat the word "racism" as an action, but it is more than that. Racism is a belief, one that has been ingrained in us all to divide nations, to enforce discrimination based on our appearance. If we divide the Human Race into sub-races based on our physical appearance, where do we draw the line? Are blondes a different "race" from red heads? Are blue eyes a different "race" from green eyes? Are tall people a different "race" from short people? Are people with big feet a different "race" from people with small feet? The theory of "race" has been debated for centuries.

In America the government made laws to define a "black" from a "white", but it became apparent that each state had it's own concept of race. If you have one black parent and one white parent, are you technically "black"? When it came to Apartied, the law had to decide whether you were "white" enough to enjoy liberties, or too "black" to be treated as human. This leaves us with many confused "mixed-race" people who don't know how to label their appearance. Can we not agree that we are all simply human, and that the Human Race has a vast diversity of appearance?

Racism is a myth that must be dispelled, just like the myth that the sun revolves around the earth, or that the earth is a flat disc. The vast majorities are still living in the old mythology of the 20th century. A decade into the 21st century, I look to a brighter, wiser tomorrow.

Forget about the basic messedupedness of the structure of this "article" for a while basically "humans" are White and therefore developed lighter skin in response to being in Europe. I guess us non-humans retained the icky dark skin we have. Oh and we darkies shouldn't feel bad because we have blonds and redheads in our populations too! It's just that Whites have more. Don't you all feel better now?!

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