As a follow-up to
Shopping While Black, here's Shopping While Muslim:
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In Lilburn, GA, a mosque seeking to expand and add a cemetery to accommodate its members faces opposition from local non-Muslims. There is a good, detailed article about that
here. Here are some direct quotes from residents as to why they oppose the mosque expansion:
The North's liberals have been for so long pointing accusing fingers at the South and getting away with it that they have fits when they are exposed as the world's worst hypocrites. ... The white Southerner, you can say one thing - he is honest. He bares his teeth to the black man; he tells the black man, to his face, that Southern whites never will accept phony "integration." The Southern white goes further, to tell the black man that he means to fight him every inch of the way - against even the so-called "tokenism." The advantage of this is the Southern black man has never been under any illusions about the opposition he is dealing with. ... But the Northern white man, he grins with his teeth, and his mouth has always been full of tricks and lies of "equality" and "integration." When one day all over America, a black hand touched the white man's shoulder, and the white man turned, and there stood the Negro saying "Me, too..." why, that Northern liberal shrank from that black man with as much guilt and dread as any Southern white man.
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