Title: The Story of Paris
Author: jL
Pairings: J/B
Rating: T for Language
Genre: Angst/Romance
Word Count: 4847
Warnings: Spoilers for Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and a little bit of Breaking Dawn.
Summary: Romeo and Juliet may have died, but they lived happily ever afterwards. However this story isn't about Juliet and her Romeo. It is story about Paris, who was Juliet's sun. He was Juliet's best friend. His story is the true tale of woe. This is the story of Paris and his struggle to keep Juliet alive.
Notes: Post eclipse - ignore most of Breaking Dawn - definitely no pregnancy. Some facts from the series were changed so it would fit within the context of this story, but I tried to be as true to the events as possible. The one big change is that Jake sees Bella for the first time after he becomes a werewolf in New Moon.
Disclaimer: The Twilight saga and such does not belong to me, but to Stephenie Meyer.
Previous Parts:
Part One ||
Part Two ||
Part Four ||
Music -----
The Story of Paris - Part Three
The Book
Chapter 3 - Best Friends
Maybe now the tide was turning in favor of Paris, because unexpectedly, Romeo left Juliet. No one knew why. Juliet would not talk about it, but then again she was too busy being a zombie to have much conversation with anybody. Ever since that day, Juliet was catatonic, even when she was found by one of the Protectors. Juliet, being the clumsy girl that she was, got lost in the forest chasing after him when Romeo left her. The whole town went out to look for her. Paris tried to go also, but his father would not let him. That fact did not matter to Paris. It was not going to stop him from helping in the search for Juliet. He hiked the fifteen miles to Juliet's house, but by the time he got there, Juliet was already found. Paris could do nothing, but prayed that she was not hurt. And so he turned back around and started on his long trek back home.
Days went by and Juliet did not get better. She was not hurt physically but mentally she was destroyed. Juliet's father was scared out of his mind. He did not know what to do and he would always call Paris' father for advice, but Paris' father never went through this with his own daughters. Juliet's father could only take it day by day, hoping for the best and that one day Juliet would just snap out of it.
During those months, when Juliet was catatonic towards the world around her, Paris' world was turned upside down. All those silly stories of his ancestry that his father would tell him as bedtime stories when he was a child turned out all to be real. Go figure, right? His ancestry was really impressive and now Paris was expected to take on the duties that his ancestors entrusted to him. The Protectors had been slowly recruiting their members, even one of Paris' friend was recruited. Once they were members of the society, they were expected to cut all ties with the outside world and just focus on their task to bring down the Parasites. Before he knew the truth, Paris hated the society, which at that time was known as the Gang to him. He did not know what the Gang was all about or its function. He did not understand why they took away his friend, but now that he was expected to be in it also, he still hated it. He hated it for ruining his life. Not only was he supposed to take care of his father, who had been crippled to a wheelchair, he was now expected to go fight the Parasites. He was only sixteen years old. Wasn't that too much responsibility for him? But he took it all in stride. What really pissed him off was that he was not supposed to have a life outside of stopping the Parasites. But all his hate could not compare to his hate for Romeo and his family for bringing the Parasites and the Venom near his town. The trace of Venom still lingered in his small little town even though Romeo and his family had left.
Paris' dark life started to brighten up when one day out of the blue, months after what was known as the incident to her, Juliet showed up at his house unexpectedly. It was a total shock for Paris to see her. She seemed to be doing better and recovering from the horrific experience that utterly messed her up. She seemed to be far better from what her father described about her condition. At least she was not catatonic anymore, so that was a good sign. And when Paris saw Juliet for the first time after many months, he fell heads over heels in love with her. It was love at first sight. Anything that Juliet desired, Paris would try to accomplish it for her. He would do whatever she asked of him. He would answer any question that she may had have. He would never lie to her. He would never hide the truth from her. He would be anything that she needs him to be, whether it was to be a protector, a best friend or a lover. It was all her choice, unknowingly to her. Paris was Juliet's, wholeheartedly, completely and irrevocably. Juliet became the center of his universe. She became his anchor in his hectic and chaotic life of being a Protector.
So, on that day, when Juliet appeared in his life again with two motorcycles for him to fix up, he did it without any questions. He was a good mechanic. He could do it. He fixed up the truck that Juliet drove now. He was building his own car. He could fix up the motorcycles if he wanted to and if he did not know how, he would learn how to do it, because Juliet came to him with that specific request. From then on, Paris could be seen in his garage, fixing the motorcycles. And Juliet would come down to visit Paris everyday from that day on. Paris and Juliet became two peas in a pod. They were always seen together. One was never far from the other. They were best friends. And each day, when she came to Paris, they would hang out in his garage. She would sit in the passenger seat of the car that he was building, drinking warm soda and watching him fix up the motorcycles. She would start to smile again and each time that Juliet came to Paris, she would leave with a little bit of heart healed, not hurting as much from the gigantic hole that Romeo left behind. Paris brought Juliet back to life. Romeo was never to be mentioned at all. He became he that shalt not be named and everything that was related to him were to avoided at all cost.
After days and weeks of Juliet basking in the presence of Paris, the motorcycles were finished. It was time to teach Juliet how to ride it. Teaching her to ride the motorcycle was a whole another experience. Juliet had always been a clumsy girl and teaching her to ride a motorcycle seemed to be like a death wish, but Paris took on the challenge because that was what Juliet wanted. Paris had to patch her up many times from her motorcycle mishaps, but eventually Juliet learned how to ride it and she was fairly decent on the bike now. But, shh! Juliet's father was never to know about that fact. Whenever she had free time, Juliet would go to Paris and together, they would ride their motorcycles in secret. One day after a mishap, they even declared to each other that they were sort of beautiful. This was as close to a confession Juliet could utter to Paris.
Paris and Juliet also did other things. They hung out at Juliet's house too. They were inseparable. And one day, they went to the movie with one of Juliet's friend, but the outing was ruined when the friend threw up in the bathroom of the movie theater. The night was over, but it was not a total lost. Juliet's friend, throwing up, showed how much more tough and manly Paris was. Maybe Juliet would notice that. Maybe they could move on from best friends to something more. Unfortunately, Juliet also caught the stomach flu from her friend. So the next day when Juliet was bedridden, feeling under weather, Paris brought her chicken noodle soup and sat by her bedside, nursing her back to health.
The next great adventure in the tale of Paris and Juliet was when they were supposed to go cliff diving. Paris and his crazy friends would actually dive off a cliff for recreation. Juliet, having witnessed it once, wanted to try it too, but the timing was never right. There was never time enough. Someone was always busy. Or the weather was never warm enough. But eventually, Paris and Juliet set a date for this fun adventure, however, on that fateful day that Paris promised to take her, Paris' duty of being a protector got in the way. Juliet understood. Protecting humankind from the Parasites - not her Romeo's family - were important, especially when Paris was trying to protect her. As luck with have it, Rosalind, an user of Venom, was ravaging the land. She was an user that went crazy from the withdraw. She blamed Romeo and his family for her craziness and since they were gone, she began to target Juliet because to Rosalind, Juliet was someone important to Romeo. Therefore, she decided to get her revenge on the family by killing Juliet. Paris and his Protectors had been hunting her for months and on that promised day of cliff diving, she appeared, so the protectors went after her, leaving Juliet bored and in desperate need of an adventure. So Juliet without her Paris went to the cliff and dove off of it. Too bad, Juliet did not notice the weather at that time. A hurricane was brooding on the horizon and when she hit the water, she was unable to swim back to the surface. She resigned herself to the fact that she was going to die, but just when she believed herself to be dead, an angel came from above and swooped her off to safety. Paris appeared out of nowhere and saved her from her watery death. He brought her back to his house, where they both fell asleep on top of each other on the couch. She was safe and alive and that was all Paris could ask for.
Chapter 4 - Romeo's Return
Luck was never a friend of Paris. Fate was just so cruel to him. Just when progress with Juliet was being made, Romeo's sister showed up out of the blue, imploring Juliet to help her save Romeo. Romeo heard from his other sister that heard from a friend in town - stupid telephone call effect - that Juliet had died from her cliff dive. Romeo, devastated supposedly, wanted to kill himself by going to the main family of Parasites and asking them for his death. Juliet, not even having a second thought of saving Romeo, ran off with Romeo's sister to save him. The Parasites were an unforgiving entity and they were also highly secretive society. Knowing that someone outside of their sphere having the knowledge of the truth could mean death to all the party involved, including Juliet. Paris was worried out of his mind, never knowing if Juliet would be okay or not. Would she still be alive when she came back? Would she instead be turned into one of the Parasites? After a couples of days, she did come back and she came back alive, but she also came back with Romeo and his family. With no questions asked, Juliet forgave Romeo and took him back into her life, just like that.
Unknowingly, - maybe she did know - she kicked Paris out of her life. Paris as a Protector could not be around a Parasite and not kill the leech. It was against his pledge to the society and Juliet had chosen her side, the Parasites. What was even worse for Paris was that he learned that Juliet planned to become a Parasite, someone forever addicted to the Venom with no possible cure in sight. An all-out war between the Protectors and the Parasites would be waged if that ever happened, but Juliet did not care. She only wanted to be with her Romeo. Damn the consequences. So Paris tried to distance himself from Juliet, his love, but no matter what he did, he still thought of her. His broken heart would not let him forget her. He still dreamt of her every night. He still wanted her to chose her future with him instead of Romeo. Overall, he wanted her to choose life even if it was not with him. Each day when he was away from her, he was in agony, but he held onto his resolve. It did not help his resolve to stay away from her when she kept writing little notes to him, passing the notes from her to her father to his father to him. It did not help his need to be near her. It did not help at all, but he must be strong. He could not give in, but he in the end did give in. He went to see her one day. She was with Romeo. His broken heart shattered a little bit more. But he sucked it up and went over to her, where she was with her Romeo. They exchanged pleasant hellos, but nothing was the same again. They were no longer just Paris and Juliet. Now it was Romeo and Juliet and maybe when Juliet thought of him, Paris. Limbo sucked.
Juliet tried to make an effort to keep in touch with Paris, but it was hard. She was kept distracted by Romeo, who did not approve of her friendship with Paris and any of the Protectors. She tried to fight Romeo about it, but she was weak against him. He was her drug. She did not even needed the Venom to be addicted. Just looking at him and being in his presence were enough for her. Surprisingly, one day Romeo relented and allowed Juliet visitation right to Paris. From then on, Paris and Juliet would hang out once in awhile, but their camaraderie was never the same again. No more was it Paris and Juliet. No more of their banter existed. No more of their easy friendship were presented. There was always an overhanging cloud over their heads. There was always something at the back of his mind, haunting him. One day, this would be all gone, because she would become one of them. Out of desperation, Paris kissed Juliet, hoping that the kiss would somehow awake the fair Princess from her dark drug-induced haze, but instead Juliet punched Paris and stormed away. That did not deterred Paris. He knew that Juliet felt something also when they kissed. He was invoked by his heart to try to break the spell surrounding Juliet and free her from the evil Prince. He would be her knight in shining armor, even if she thought she did not need one.
So on the day that Romeo and his family threw a masked party for Juliet, Paris came with his friends. Even though Juliet did invited him to this, his invitation was probably revoked due the kissing incident, but that did not stop him. He had a present for Juliet and no matter what happened, he would give it to her. When he finally found her, he tried so hard to get her to talk to him, but she was being difficult. Juliet was still mad at him for kissing her, but Paris eventually broke her down. However, no matter what he did, Paris never got her full attention. Her eyes were always wandering over to Romeo. Paris gave off a soft sigh and grabbed Juliet's hand. He deposited his gift there and walked away from her with his friends. That event did not even register in Juliet's mind until she tried to focus back on Paris to apologize for her lack of attention. To her dismay, Paris was gone and in her hand was his gift to her, a beautiful bracelet with a little handcrafted wolf charm.
The next interaction with Juliet was when Romeo and his family and Paris and the Protectors decided to work together to get rid of Rosalind once and for all. Rosalind had proved to be a huge nuisance. For months now, she had evaded the Protectors and Romeo's family and she was still running rampart with her madness. She had been overtaken by her need for revenge, so she started creating an army of parasites to help her in her mission of killing Juliet. Romeo's family and the Protectors decided on a plan of luring Rosalind in the forest clearing and killing her and her followers, however Juliet was to be used as a bait. Romeo and Paris both revolted to that idea, which seemed to be the only thing that they could agree on, but nothing could be done about that part of the plan. It was the best idea that they could come up with to lure Rosalind to the forest clearing. The battle plan was now established.
On that fateful day of the battle, Paris accidentally overheard - more like Romeo wanted him to hear - Romeo and Juliet discussing their marriage. Paris became enraged, because he could not understand how Juliet could so carelessly throw away her life to become one of the Parasites. Before the battle with Rosalind, Paris threatened Juliet that he would go out into the battlefield with the intent to die for her safety. Juliet was distraught. She did not want Paris to die for her. In order for him to be safe in the battle, Paris had one demand for Juliet, which was to kiss him from her own free will. Desperately trying to keep him alive, Juliet grabbed his face and kissed him. Satisfied that the kiss might had opened her eyes to the evils of the Parasites, Paris went off to war with his band of brothers, the Protectors, to fight for the safety of humankind, but most importantly for the safety of Juliet.
The battle was nerve-wrecking for Juliet. She was sitting out on the sidelines far away from the battle with Romeo. She did not know what was happening or if anybody got hurt because of her, but at least Romeo was okay. At least, he was not in the battle. Then, the battle ended. News finally reached Juliet. The enemies were defeated. She was safe again.
The worst was yet to come for Juliet. Though she was now safe from Rosalind, she was not safe from her emotions. It got even worse when she learned that Paris got injured during the battle with Rosalind. The whole right side of him was crushed. Every bone within the right side of his body was broken. To add onto her torment, she finally realized that she was in love with Paris. After her kiss to keep him alive, her potential future with him flashed before her eyes. The future of her being human with children and her father could be a reality if she would just choose Paris, but she knew that she could not choose him. She was in too deep with Romeo. She could not leave Romeo for Paris. Romeo was it for her. So when Paris was still injured and hurt, she went to him to tell him good-bye. She told him that she loved him and that she saw their possible future together when they kissed. She told of what could have been if she would just choose him. She told him that it was not enough - their love was just not enough - and that she simply loved Romeo more. She told him good-bye because she knew that she could not still be able to be friends with him anymore. She thanked him for healing her heart when she was broken. She thanked him for being her best friend. She thanked him for being her sun in her dark and Romeo-less days, but Paris could not fight with the moon. He could not win against the eclipse, no matter how hard he tried. But mostly of all, she thanked him for loving her.
Then, Juliet left Paris with his body broken and in pain. However none of that could ever compared to the pain of his broken bleeding heart as he led helplessly on his bed, watching her walk away from his life, her life and their potential future together. As Juliet walked out of his house and his life, she tried to hold back her tears. But when she got into her truck that used to be his and had driven some miles away so that she would be all alone, she started to cry. She did not have to hold back anymore. She did not have to be strong, and so she cried for her pain. She cried for his pain. She cried for the what ifs. She cried for the possible future that she saw. She cried for their love that would never be. The kiss opened her eyes, and just like Paris always told her, she loved him, too. She knew that now, but the truth of the matter was that she did not love him enough. She hoped that one day, he would be able to find his true love, because obviously to her, she was not his. She was Romeo's. However what she did not know was that in a room full of people, his eyes were always find her and only her. She was the only girl that he would ever notice. She was his light in his dark days. She was his best friend. She was his whole world. Everything revolved around her for him. The simple fact was that he loved her. He truly madly deeply loved her until the end of his days.
Chapter 5 - The Fall
So when Juliet walked out of Paris' life, that should have been the end of it, but it was not. Paris still loved her. He still wished for her from the bottom of his broken heart. He still held onto the hope that Juliet would wake up one day soon and choose him, thereby life too. But one of the final nails in his coffin came one day in the mail. It was a tiny little white envelope, holding the invitation to Romeo and Juliet's wedding. If choosing Romeo was not bad enough for Paris, they had to invite him to their wedding so that they could rub their happy perfect little life in his face. But it was not Juliet that sent it. Romeo wanted to give him a choice of coming to the wedding or not because Romeo would have wanted the choice if he was in Paris' shoe, but the thing was that Romeo was not in Paris' shoes. The pain that Paris felt when he read the invitation was indescribable. He did the only thing that he could have done in that situation. No, he did not try to kill himself. He was stronger than that. Instead, he ran. He ran from his broken heart. He ran from his heartache. He ran from the pain. He ran from her. He ran for days, weeks, months. He ran until he could not feel the pain anymore, but the pain was always there in the back of his mind. It was always creeping up behind him even when he did not pay any attention to it, but at least the pain was somewhat bearable when he ran.
The day finally came. It was the end of the line for Paris. It was the wedding day of Romeo and Juliet. Unconsciously for days, Paris had been running back towards Juliet. He finally made it back on the day of wedding. He actually made it right on time to the wedding. He was either a really lucky bastard or a really foolish idiot. He could not decide which one he was yet. He saw her in her beautiful white designer dress. He saw her walk the aisle with her father. He saw her say her 'I Do' with Romeo. He saw her smiling and happy. He saw her got married. And when the time came for the Priest to ask if there was anyone that objected to this wedding, he did not say anything at all. He kept his mouth shut as he looked on. She made her choice. This was it. She could have said “No, I do not.” And if she did, he would have swooped in there and whisked her away, but she did not, so he kept his mouth shut. When she and her Romeo started walking back down the aisle as a married couple, Juliet finally noticed him in the way back, hidden from everybody but her. He smiled the smile that he always reserved for her and whispered to her to be happy. Then he walked away from the wedding and from her. This was it. He finally accepted it. Even though he loved her, it was not enough for her to give up the life she wanted with Romeo. It was not enough for her to not want the Venom. It was not enough to keep her alive. So he ran once again, but he did not run away this time. He ran back home to his family and his brothers. He finally decided. There was no doubt about it now. He was a foolish idiot.
He knew what it mean when he left the wedding. He knew how it would be when he walked away from Juliet. He knew he was leaving her to her chosen fate with Romeo, which also encompassed the addiction to Venom. There was nothing he could have done. No amount of pleading would have changed her mind. No amount of begging would have cured her from her obsession she had with that life. But Paris still foolishly held onto hope that before the Venom was administered, she would wake up from her haze.
The hope disappeared on the third day after the wedding. He knew that she had taken the Venom. He could feel it coursing through her vein. He could feel it killing her. He could feel her dying. He could feel her pain. Juliet would have to suffer for three days before the Venom took its full effect on her and turned her into a Parasite. But until then, she would have to feel the pain of ingesting the Venom and the excruciating change into a Parasite. On the first day of the change, Paris could feel the pang of Juliet's change, but the pain was tolerable. On the second day of the change, the pain got worse. It was almost unbearable for him, so he ran away from home. He did not want his family to see him suffer. However, his family and the Protectors tried to find him and bring him back home after his disappearance. They would have taken care of him, but Paris was being stubborn. Paris thought that no one should have to suffer through this. No one should have to see someone they loved suffer through the pain of transformation into a Parasite caused by the ingestion of the Venom plus the pain of a broken heart.
The Protectors were unable to find Paris on the second day of Juliet's change, but hope was not lost. They still stood a chance. They continued looking for him onto the third day of Juliet's change. Near the end of the third day, the Protectors found Paris on top of the cliff that Juliet once dove from. They could all now feel his pain due to the close proximity to him. They now all knew how he felt when they looked into his eyes. Paris knew that his brothers could feel it, so he did the only thing that he could have done to spare his brothers his pain. He looked them in their eyes and whispered goodbye to them. Then he jumped off the cliff. He dove as gracefully as possible for a man in pain and he hit the water within seconds. His brothers dove in after him, but a storm was brewing in the horizons.
Juliet finally awoke from her drugged immobilized state after the third day. She obtained everything she ever wanted. She had the life that she always wanted. She had her Romeo. She did not care for her addiction to Venom as long as she was with Romeo. Juliet and her Romeo lived the rest of lives happily ever after.
Paris on the other hand was never found again after his cliff dive. His Protector brothers were never able to recover his body from the turbulent sea. Paris was to be eternally drifting along with the current for all time. He was forever lost at sea.
If only she had chosen him, Juliet would not have to change a thing about her. She would not have to be addicted to any drugs. She would still be able to be with her family. Paris loved her for who she was. Paris loved her as the beautiful human that she was. If only she had chosen him, Paris would not have to feel her pain from the transformation. He would not have to feel her death. They could have been beautiful together. Paris was Juliet's perfect match in every way. And now their future that they could have had together became nothing more than a fantasy. Fate was just cruel.
End of Part Three
A/N: Hmm... This came out longer than I thought it would have. I was about to split this chapter up and make this story into five parts, but I decided not to. Here is part three of 'The Story of Paris' and the second half of the book, “Romeo. Juliet. And Paris.” Events in this part were taken from 'New Moon' and 'Eclipse.' I hope it wasn't too depressing. Next part is the last part of the story and it will contain the epilogue of the book, “Romeo. Juliet. And Paris” and also of course the ending of this story. Well I hope you enjoy. Reviews are appreciated, but not required for the next update. :)