Quad Super Awesome Force Four (theme song coming soon) reigned supreme this weekend!!!!!!!!
QSAF4 = myself, Rich, Micah, and Brenda. That's our name. We're like super heroes, but cooler.... but we don't do anything super.... or heroic. You get the picture.
Last Friday we headed up to my not so favorite city of Detroit to hang with Brenda. There were drinks, the pots, and The Office. Excuse me for being out of the loop on regular television, I had never seen it. That show is funny! *programs new DVR show*
The next day we went up to Grand Rapids for the short, sweet, to the point, and beautiful wedding of Missy & Evan.
(On the way up we got to experience MIKE WEAVER - the greatest Steak n Shake manager EVER. I could speak novels of his wonder and praise his name, but until you are in the presence of this man, you will never understand his greatness)
The wedded couple looked stunning. So cute. Go wish them a big congrats!
The wedding brought along a lot of old familiar faces and some new ones. I got to shake my groove thing with doctashock once more, so the event was complete..... complete with free wine. Yummy.
The evening commenced with an impromptu hotel room party in our suite. Quite a handful of SG'ers came, we drank, we saw.... really bad movies. Like Bruce Willis in STRIKING DISTANCE. Wow. Cop drama at its best worst.
"They shouldn't have put him in the water, if they didn't want him to make waves"
----Oh. My. God. Greatest. Tagline. Ever. *dies*
If you get to be so lucky to watch this gem, be on the lookout - if you're not too busy with the edge of your seat car chase by boat action - for the painting of the exploding cop car framed in some guy's room. Why watch the movie for a plot when you can find other things more entertaining, eh? Ok, it was probably the booze and pot that made me notice.... moving on...
Watched Zardoz again.
Micah and I gotta share the love of this movie wherever we can.
The next hungover morning we went to the newlywed's humble abode for snacks, present opening, and Ninja Warrior. One guy came sooooo close to winning. *sighs* HE WAS ROBBED! ROBBED I TELL YOU!
Rigel for reminding me of this precious visual & audio piece....
Click to view
Does anyone else find Lionel stalking that girl really fucking creepy? Like... creepier than that ugly ass sculpture.... or creepier than the whole "hey, look at what this blind girl can do!" theme. *I loved it*
Last night Rich and I went to see these guys:
I *heart* me some She Wants Revenge. The new album came out last week. I dig it, it has some booty shakin tunes and they sounded great live.
Justin called out some dumb broad in the crowd (Sunny) who was too oblivious & stupid to realize she was being made fun of. It was quite amusing. If you're ever in the Cleveland area (says Sunny) go to the Hard Rock and ask for her, she's the "nicest girl you'll know".... and only leave a tip if it's a note with 3 letter words preferably written in crayon. Anymore than that and her brain would probably explode.
Gotta love god's little creatures put on this earth for our own entertainment.
Speaking of SWR, I will be seein them again tomorrow.... er... tonight.
*** Hey sleep! How ya doing? I should try you out sometime! ***** Ah yes, the daresome duo of
Meow and
Vivid will reunite and terrorize Detroit. Beware villagers, beware.
Hey look!
Havana. Yeah, you know, that thing we have here at that place. It's happening again. November 8th to be exact. A week before my birthday. Rightfully so. There will be much partying to do.
Can't wait to see which ladies turn up this time. Fun fun fun.
....holy shit my birthday's less than a month away! *gasp* Time to fine tune the ol'
wishlist. Blow off the cob webs, dust it off a bit, give it a nice clean shine.