A lot of people have been posting photos with their entries lately, and since my followers seemed to jump this week, I thought it would be a good idea to post some photos I've taken lately.
This is Bernard, the ranchu goldfish Mom and Natsumi purchased for me. He's... the biggest fish I've ever kept. Enormous. Eight inches not counting his tail fin. I'm glad the folks at the pet store were sure he wouldn't get any bigger, I'm not sure I could handle him otherwise. He has a lot of room to himself now in his 75 gallon tank (sorry Natsumi, got rid of the bowl). Though that's a... really big dent in my wallet...
My newest purchase. ♥ Still in quarantine and unnamed, is a German Blue Ram Dwarf Cichlid for my tetra tank. He's doing well already! Looks healthy and bright.
A place that's special to me for a lot of reasons. I wouldn't mind going back soon.