
Jun 30, 2013 14:55

Title                       : Bracelet

Pairing                  : Yamajima

Genre                  : Angst, Friendship.

Rating                  : PG-13

Language            : English

Author                 : aozoraira

Length                 : Drabble

Disclaimer            : The story is mine but not the casts.

Summary              : A mysterious bracelet that Ryosuke wear.

A/N                       : -    Ryosuke is a girl in this fic.

-          I’m not a good writer and my English is suck. Please forgive for any grammatical error in my fic.

[Author's note. Skip it.]
I got confused about the length of this fic, is this drabble or oneshot?

A short with brown long hair girl in uniform come out from her home. She was walking to the school while humming her favorite song. She looked happier than usual. That day wasn’t her birthday nor Christmas. But she was in a super good mood. Thanks to someone who make her that bright today.

Someone patted her shoulder. The girl turned her face to the latter. “Ohayou Yama-chan,” A tall handsome boy who wore the same uniform as her was smiling brightly.

“Ohayou Yuto-kun,” She greeted back at the latter and gave him her best smile. The next scene was Yamada reached for Yuto’s arm and cling on it.

Yuto had been Yamada best friend since elementary school. They always went into the same school since there. It was their routine to walk to school together. Yuto usually came pick her up at home, but this morning he texted that he would be late so he ask Yamada to go by herself. Yamada didn’t expect she would meet Yuto on the way.

Ehm… once more, about Yamada’s act earlier. It had been her behavior being clingy to Yuto. Don’t misunderstand her, Yuto just so kind and he never complain about that. And the most important, he don’t have a girlfriend so does Yamada. So no one would be jealous after them except two or three who are admiring them secretly.

“Yama-chan, you buy a new bracelet?” Yuto’s eyes caught a sparkling stuff which circling on her wrist. It was one that he seen at famous accessories shop when he was accompanying Yamada shopping last week. Yamada shook her head.

“Then? A present?” Guess Yuto again.

Once again, Yamada shook her head.

Yuto lifted his eyebrow. “So? You didn’t steal it, right?” Accused him and immediately made Yamada pinched his ear hard. She wanted to whack his head but too bad her height couldn’t reach it.

“Itte~” Yuto shrieked. Yamada released her hand from Yuto.

“Why would I do something like that?” She pouted a bit, but smiling afterwards.

“Ma~ you said you didn’t buy it and not also a present. Then where was that bracelet come?” Yuto stroke his earlobe that turned red. She pinched him with all her might just now.

“I didn’t know where it came…” Said Yamada plainly. They almost reached the school gate. She suddenly stopped and turned her body to face Yuto. The latter automatically stopped his step and stared at Yamada.

“I found it on my closet.” She began her story, Yuto listen carefully. “It was neglected in my drawer so I took it. When I open the wrapper I found this bracelet inside.” She took a deep breath and spot at her wrist while smiling brightly.

“Then?” Yuto became impatient. Just how long we gonna stand here? The bell almost rang. He tought.

“I was thought it someone else’s at first because I found no letter with it. But I claimed this mine when I saw this.” Yamada pointed at the bracelet. Yuto gaze followed her index finger and spot Yamada’s full name was engraved in the backside of bracelet.

“So sad because until now I got no hint about the one who gave me this beauty thing.” She looked at bracelet with a sad smile. “I asked my family but they said they didn’t know anything. Mom received a package that was address to me. How sad, I don’t know who the sender is. ”

“He or she maybe your secret admirer.” Mumbled Yuto. “C’mon, don’t wear that expression. The one who sent it certainly want to look you happy.”

“You’re right.” Yamada smiled at Yuto and reached for his arm again. She unintentionally glimpsed at wristwatch on Yuto wrist and jolted in shock.

“Oh my, Yuto~” She squealed and released Yuto’s arm, “we’re gonna be late!”

Then Yamada grabbed his wrist and dragged him to run with her.

Yuto followed his best friend and smiled at her back. If only you know, that secret admirer who sent you the bracelet was me, Ryosuke…

How was the story?
Is it boring?
Gomen, I'm just a newbie. So may be my writing disappoint you -_-

length: drabble, genre: friendship, pairing: yamajima, genre: romance

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