Me, Myself, and I

Mar 20, 2009 23:18

The Basics
Hair Color: black

Eye Color: black

Height: 155 cm (une petite feuille)

Profession: a fangirl (wait, is that a profession? hehe)

Relationship Status: currently....umm...himitsu!

Religious Views: monotheist

My Favorites
Favorite Color: blue, black, brown

Favorite Car: VW beetle, classics

Favorite Movie: drama, fantasy, mysteries/thriller

Favorite Hobby: reading, listening to music, watching dorama, contemplating

Favorite Song: for now, On Your Mind (KAT-TUN) + Eden (Kanjani8) + Osaka Rainy Blues (Kanjani8) --> oh yeah Eito deserves more love

Favorite Singer/Group/Musician: David Cook, Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park, Kings of Convenience, KAT-TUN

Favorite Book/Author: Harry Potter, Chicken Soup, Gie: Catatan Seorang Demonstran

Favorite School Subject: English, PE, History

Favorite Vacation Destination: the nature (mountains), safari park, my grandparents' house ;p

Favorite Food: hot & spicy, sweets, chocolates, ice creams, cheese, fruits, veggies

Favorite Restaurant: none, i prefer homecooking (my mom's cooking that is ^^)

Favorite Animal: rabbit, hamster, koala

Favorite Store: hmm.....not really fond of shopping

Favorite Celebrity : KAT-TUN, Kanjani8, Oprah

Favorite Childhood Friend: two of my older cousins (miss them so much T.T)

Favorite Childhood Memory: many sweet memories 0(^.^)0

Favorite Baby Name: Yuuki (means courage in japanese) or Sora (sky --> also in japanese)

Favorite Person In Your Life: my family, the irreplaceable people

This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate..chocolate..chocolate ^^

Big Mac or Whopper: never tried Whopper before, they don't sell it here =(

Coke or Pepsi : coke

Beer or Wine: no alcohol please

Coffee or Tea: both

Apple Juice or O.J.: apple juice (loooove fruits)

Summer or Winter: winter (kinda sick with the heat >.<)

Windows or Mac: Windows

Cats or Dogs: cats

Boxers or Briefs: o.O?

Rain or Shine : rainy days are perfect for contemplating & relaxing ^^

Chips or Popcorn: both

Salty or Sweet: sweet is better

Plane or Boat: scared of heights & can't swim, so...i prefer cars or train

Morning or Night: that i can see the stars

Movie or Play: both are good

Walk or Drive: as long as i'm surrounded by the nature i'm cool with both

Money or Love: love

Breakfast or Dinner: dinner but i also can not leave breakfast.

Forgiveness or Revenge: i'm not a forgiveful person so ...

Paint or Wallpaper: paint, it's cleaner that way.

House or Apartment: a bricked or wooden house with a big yard

Do You?
Have Any Pets: right now? nope, my pets were all died miserably =(

Have Any Children: no

Smoke: and killing myself slowly? na-ah

Drink: no alcohol

Exercise: walking & riding a bike

Play On A Sports Team: used to when i was in highschool....miss those days a lot >.<

Belong To Any Organizations: no

Love Your Job: hmm....

Like To Cook: moderately

Play An Instrument: learning to play guitar

Sing: in my room, almost everyday

Dance: loooove it! used to dance traditional dances in primary school, now i'd love to learn modern ones.

Speak Multiple Languages: english, france (used to), japanese (in progress)

Ice Skate: wish i could, i love snow

Swim: can't swim, afraid of water

Paint: my drawing skill is as good as a kindergarten kid -.-"

Write: poems

Ski: no snow here!!

Juggle: no hehe

Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: why would i?

Been Drunk Before Noon: don't drink alcohol

Had Sex In A Public Place: heeeeeh?????

Got Caught Telling A Lie: never tell a lie, white lies sometimes ;p

Got A Speeding Ticket: i'm on mass transportation

Been Arrested: huh? kidding me?

Littered: trying not to

Fantasized About A Co-Worker: nope

Cheated On A Test: occasionally

Cheated In A Relationship: never had

Failed A Class: that was a bad memory >.<

Screened Your Phone Calls:, i just don't pick it up if it's somebody's annoying

Eaten Food Off The Floor: ewww!!!

Stuck Gum Under A Desk: double ewww!!

Wished You Were Someone Else: eventhough there are many things i want to improve about myself, i still like to be who i am today.

Cried During A Movie: yes i have, well most of the time, i'm such a crybaby

Had A One Night Stand: no no no

Describe Yourself In One Word: complex

Biggest Fear: disappointing myself or i'd rather say, afraid of regretting something that i should've done but i didn't do it (eh, sounds confusing o.O)

Biggest Mistake: stopped practicing karate

Your Proudest Accomplishment: graduated from college on time (didn't think i'd make it)

#1 Priority In Your Life: my parents

Dream Job: helping people in need, an interpreter/translator, an athlete, a musician.

Causes You Believe In: end war (peaceful diplomacy please), no smoking (anywhere!), free education for poor people, music has no borders

Special Talents: seeing the world in a different & deeper perspective

Where Are You Right Now: still looking

Where Would You Rather Be: where my dreams come true

Famous Person You Want To Meet: one particularly

Place To Visit Before You Die: Japan, UK

credit for these questionnaire goes to akamepi_zutto

my life

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