I should post this a week ago, but unfortunately I didn't have any chance to post it, so I just post it today
last week I got a text message from
turtlepark , she said that my friend Yurike is coma, and she asked me to pray for her so she can wake up, and continue her life, and the reason of what cause the coma is so tragic :'(
a days before she fell coma, she had an allergic cause by seafood so she and her mom went to the doctor to get an injection of vitamin C to cure her allergic, and then something bad happen, a while after doctor injected the vitamin C, she had a spastic twitch and she called her mom. Her mom directly drive her to the hospital, on the way to hospital she also had an asthma and for about 10 minutes she also experianced torpidity, when she arrived at the hospital, the hospital staff used a pace maker on her so her heart will start beating again, it worked but some of my friends said that the voltage of the pacemaker is too big and it said that it what cause her to coma. it's also said that her blood vessel that located in her brain is also broken.
She fell coma for about 3 days, and on 17th of March, she passed away at 12.30pm (GMT+7)
When I heard of the news I was shocked and I can't believe it that she passed away at the same age as me, and it just a month away from the final exam for her.
Back when I was still attended my old highschool before I moved, me and Yurike were attended in the same class, and she sat behind me before I moved from there, and we also chose the same extraculicular that my old school offer, and in it we also got in the same group before the inauguration. Even tough we accidentally always in the same class or group but we are not close friend, mainly because we have a different interest and so. But I was lucky enough to know and spoke with her back in the day we still attending the same high school. When I heard the bad news, I remembered a memory of her that I still remember of her. I even remember the way she dance (she loves to dance)
so on the afternoon me and my best friends went to Dharmais Mourning Home, that used as her mournng home. when we arrived there, there were so many of my old friends that also went there, and also that made me more sad is that, I finally have the time to meet all of my ex-school mate there, on such sad occasion. But I still believe that God had already planned the greatest thing for her.
and I just want to say this to her
Yur, gw yakin lu uda seneng disana, Tuhan pasti uda nge-rencanain semua yang terbaik untuk lu
dan walaupun cuman tinggal sebulan lagi sampe tanggal uan, tp lu uda lulus ujian lebih dulu dari temen-temen, lu uda lulus ujian yg lebih penting lagi yaitu ujian dr Tuhan YME, dan walaupun lu harus ninggalin kita-kita semua lebih dulu tapi Tuhan uda baik banget sama lu, lu uda dipanggil duluan daripada lu menderita di dunia dalam keadaan koma yang pastinya lu juga ga seneng, gw inget banget dulu pas kita sekelas, lu kan termasuk yang gabisa diem, lu bahkan kepilih jd color guards, sesuai dgn keinginan lu kan, walopun kita engga deket-deket banget, tp gw jg ngerasa kehilangan lu, kita sempet bareng2 mulu d sekolah dari sekelas sampe satu exkul sampe gw pindah, gw minta maaf ya kalo dulu gw sempet ngecewain lu sama anak-anak waktu gw pindah skul, dan juga klo gw punya salah2 sama lu ya Yur.
Rest In Peace Yurike <3